Vinyl Season 1 Episode 3 Review: Whispered Secrets

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Richie Finestra is going to have his hands full going forward.

He's not only trimming the fat on Vinyl Season 1 Episode 3, but he's living a less cluttered lifestyle at home, too, because he has no money.

That makes Devon very unhappy, especially since we learned she's only doing what she was allowed to do by Richie in the first place. Maybe Richie should cut back a bit on the drugs and save a few pennies.

The News is Out - Vinyl Season 1 Episode 3

That was a really rough way for Devon to find out about the business. With a company the size of American Century, Richie should have realized word would get out and someone would bring it up. The best way to keep Devon from finding out in the way she did? Tell her himself.

To then pull the plug on the money she had already pledged for her dance troop was like a double whammy. Devon had a life before Richie, probably a more exciting one than him. She gave it up to be with him, and because he appears to have a traditional idea of marriage.

She really wants to be working with him, but he told her she was never to be the woman behind the man. Apparently she wasn't allowed to do what she wanted, but what he deemed satisfactory to a woman of her station.

Devon: This is what I had. This is what you threw me, like a child. Go play with the dance troup, Dev. They need your brilliant fucking stragegizing. You know, it will be great for you. Get you out of the house.
Richie: And it did.
Devon: The strategy IS fundraising, Richie! That IS the strategy!

It was difficult watching Devon struggle with putting her painting up for sale, because it was a personal treasure and means something to her marriage, as well. 

I really like the way Andy Warhol is portrayed in the series. He didn't pry too much into why Devon was asking to have it signed, but when it came out, he offered to sign other things if it would help her out without being in the least bit snarky about it. Their friendship is really touching.

Zak wouldn't even talk with his accountants because he didn't see the point of having a conversation with them when he doesn't have any money to discuss. 

But while financially things are crumbling, did you notice how Richie is still trying to achieve something with the music? I'm not sure what it is, because even Maury Gold doesn't know what it is. Nobody in the business cares about the music, according to Maury. They're all about the money.

Richie is hoping to make an album with Lester Grimes and his original tapes from back in the day. It's a tough subject for Lester, but it's hard not to hope they do it. The songs were amazing, and I wonder whether we're getting a soundtrack when the season is over. I'd buy one. Songs like that one are worth the money.

Grimes picked up the guitar, and his raspy, whispering voice didn't hold a candle to what he was able to do once upon a time.

His story is so intriguing. I want more.

While they're cutting back acts who don't make money so they don't have to spend any on them, Richie also wants to create a sublabel. I'm assuming on it would be groups like the Nasty Bitz.

Richie: What the fuck happened to the band that I heard?
Julie: I polished them up a little.
Richie: Yeah, and you rubbed away everything that was interesting about them!

Of course, Julie almost ensured they weren't signed. You saw that coming, right? Jamie wants to keep a good relationship with Julie, so she had his back. Maybe that will be her foot in the door. 

Surely Clark is on his way out. The whole debacle with Alice Cooper makes you wonder if he's paid attention to Richie's career, and also if he understood the assignment to sign new bands. Alice Cooper isn't new. Clark tried bagging a big fish instead of taking a risk on an unknown like Jamie.

It's highly unlikely he's going to have the time he needs to make up for that loss.

And I'm not sure what is going on with the Golasso murder, but now that the body of Buck Rogers has been found, Richie is going to be involved in plenty of murders to keep himself busy. He's off the wagon, and Devon took a drink to spite him. That's not where they want to go, surely.

But with the stress they're under? It would be tempting. Definitely tempting.

How in the hell is he going to explain that woman singing "Danny's Song" to his partners? Honestly, that's one of my favorite songs, and everyone thinks they can sing it, so I laughed out loud when he hit play. What a nightmare. 

What stories are piquing your interest? Is the pacing starting to work for you? Hit me up in the comments!

Whispered Secrets Review

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Carissa Pavlica is the managing editor and a staff writer and critic for TV Fanatic. She's a member of the Critic's Choice Association, enjoys mentoring writers, conversing with cats, and passionately discussing the nuances of television and film with anyone who will listen. Follow her on X and email her here at TV Fanatic.

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Vinyl Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Nothing like the last whiskey of the night, huh? Except the first beer...of the day!


Devon: This is what I had. This is what you threw me, like a child. Go play with the dance troup, Dev. They need your brilliant fucking stragegizing. You know, it will be great for you. Get you out of the house.
Richie: And it did.
Devon: The strategy IS fundraising, Richie! That IS the strategy!