On This Is Us Season 5 Episode 8, Toby and Rebecca anxiously await news from Kate about Elly's baby while Madison gets ready to give birth to twins.


This Is Us Season 5 Episode 8 begins a new chapter in the Pearsons' story.

Toby waits nervously outside the hospital while Kate is in the delivery room with Elly. A fight over a parking space leads him to a friendship of sorts with a man who is waiting to hear about his wife, who is suffering from COVID and is on a ventilator.

Rebecca is also waiting anxiously for news about both sets of grandkids' births. She keeps staring at a painting of a bunch of blobs.

In the past, Jack and Rebecca head to the cabin for a weekend alone after the kids refuse to accompany them. When they get there, the cabin is flooded due to a plumbing problem and it ruins some of the kids' artwork. Jack is upset that Rebecca keeps ragging on the kids and doesn't care about saving their paintings from when they were little. He is scared they will lose their kids as they grow older. Rebecca reassures him that they will always be a family and the kids' finger painting of blobs is a symbol of it.

And elsewhere, Randall keeps Madison company until Kevin arrives at the hospital.

To find out what happens, watch This Is Us Season 5 Episode 8 online.

Episode Details

On This Is Us Season 5 Episode 8, the Big Three hit important milestones, including Kevin's babies being born and Kate's surrogate going into labor.

Rating: 4.6 / 5.0 (23 Votes)
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This Is Us Season 5 Episode 8 Quotes

Uh uh. No group texts. If I can't be in the delivery room because of freaking Covid, then I want personalized updates.


Kevin: We all have sleepover plans this weekend. Parent approved.
Jack: Cancel them. We're going on a family vacation and -
Rebecca: Jack. Let me talk to you over here. Would it be the worst thing in the world if we went away for the weekend without the little grumps?