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Kelly Clarkson makes a cameo in the elevator.

Chen tells Tamara about Tim and after Tamara wonders why they haven't slept together yet, Lucy decides she wants to that night.

She tells Tim and they plan to have sex that night. Grey assigns them to ride with each other since Thorsen is working with Angela and Nyla.

Lucy calls Tim out on already treating her differently while working with her and taking it too easy on her.

Grey assigns Nolan and Celina on watching Oscar who is donating his kidney.

Celina feels that Oscar is going to die.

Angela isn't feeling well while she's on the stakeout for a drug dealer they're looking at and she takes a pregnancy test that's positive.

Someone comes in and tries to kill Oscar, someone he set up.

they lose some earrings and Lucy is upset becuase she was so focused on Tim being distracted working with her that she made an error.

Celina notices that the boyrfriend of OScar's daughter is troubled and steals drugs. He has a seizure.

Oscar gets a food delivery and now they have to delay the surgery andother 12 hours.

Oscar's daughter is disappointed that she fell for a guy who is like her father. She also shared that her father extorted her for the kidney

Angela is still sticking things out with tailing Serrano to avoid going home to Wesley.

Lucy cancelled date night with Tim because of what happened.

While staking out Serrano, Elijah comes out, and Harper is angry at her for lying to her and ruining the investigation with the Elijah thing.

An inhouse  lawyer of elijahs was following Angela, when she confronts him, she finds out that he was sent by Elijah to make sure she wasn't looking into him.

The missing earrings were a Lucy lesson so Lucy could prove to Tim that he's not objective with her now.

Nolan picks up on some weird vibes between the doctors who are supposed to do the surgery.

Lucy decides that she will leave so they don't work together anymore, but Tim doesn't want to decide that just yet.

Celina figures out that the new doctor isn't a doctor he's someone who was in prison with Oscar.

They say that if the doctor doesn't kill Oscar in surgery they'll kill her family

They're stuck i the elevator with Troy, Oscar, and the doctor.

Lucy and Tim go to where they're holdign the doctor's family hostage and enter the home.

Lucy tasers Duke who is working with the guys while Tim has the other.

Angela apologizes to Harper and talks about how scared she is.

Lucy says she'll put in her transfer request in the morning.

Angela tells Wesley that she's pregnant.

Tim tells Grey that he and Lucy have been dating for a few weeks.

Tim says he'll take a job that will move him out of her chain of command and Tim will be a court liasion sergeant which is a desk job.

He tells Lucy and they spend their first night together.


The Rookie
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The Rookie Season 5 Episode 12 Quotes

Celina: You are going to die.
Oscar: Nice try. I've been threatened by girls tougher than you, and a lot taller.

Lucy: Tonight is the night.
Tim: Oh, really? My place or yours?