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Mia Lopez, a corrections officer, is shot and killed following yoga. Tiffany meets with her sister Erika and brother Bryan. She shows them the memorial plaque on a bench that she has purchased for their mother. Her brother Bryan just got fired from a restaurant for exploding at his boss. Tiffany and Erika argue over what's wrong with Bryan. Kenny Nelson's print was on a shell casing. He tries to run but is arrested near the bar where he works. Nelson has an alibi. Also, he sold the gun yesterday to a guy who served in his brother's unit. His boss identifies him as Michael Landry. His mother blames changes in Landry to what happened in Afghanistan. Bryan is making a scene at his former restaurant and the cops show up. Tiffany talks him down. Scola agrees with Erika that Bryan needs professional help. Scola and Tiffany arrive where Landry was last seen and he has shot two people, killing one. Landry steals a car with a girl still in it. He crashes it but the girl is safe. Landry escapes. Landry wounded a judge and killed a delivery man. Landry's sister Hailey died while in custody. Maggie and OA arrive just after Landry wounds a cop but he escapes again. The JOC analysts track him to a cab but he shoots the cabbie and runs. Scola gets Landry's mother to see the truth. He's targeting a doctor next and kills him. Elise's tracks Landry's phone. He runs into a club with Scola and Tiffany in pursuit. They corner him and he points his gun at his head. But his gun is empty. Tiffany and Erika talk to Bryan about getting professional help for his mental illness. He admits that he's scared but agrees to try to get help. 

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FBI Season 5 Episode 16 Quotes

Mrs. Lopez: It's such a shock.
Tiffany: We understand. It's a lot to take in.

Tiffany: You need to stop acting like a little kid.
Bryan: You need to stop acting like you're Mom.