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Dr. Charles tells Dr. Latham that he has Asperger's. He tells him about a new treatment called TMS. 

Ethan and Sharon discuss a mystery patient. Sharon calls in Connor for emergency surgery. The mystery patient turns out to be a panda! 

Connor is skeptical about operating on the panda, but he agrees to do it. 

Will has a patient suffering from delirium, who thrashes around. 

Dr. Charles suggests that Sarah subject herself to psychotherapy. She doesn't want to do it.

Sarah learns that the on-call psych resident gets paged to call time of death, which she's never done before. She calls TOD for two more patients, including her own. 

April and Tate get in another argument about how much she works. 

Will's patient is in renal failure and needs to be put on dialysis. Dr. Wheeler causes a pneumothorax that Will has to fix. 

Dr. Wheeler doesn't take the news well that their patients are in bad shape. Will discovers that he's drunk. 

The panda has a low pressure bleed on her heart. They have to relieve the pressure. 

Dr. Latham tells Dr. Charles that he wants to try TMS. He wants to start immediately. He responds well. 

Connor and Ethan successfully save the panda. 

After her rough night, Sarah agrees to therapy.

Tate apologizes to April. 



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Chicago Med Season 2 Episode 11 Quotes

What's the troll still doing here? Doesn't he have a bridge somewhere to go home to?

Dr. Wheeler

Connor: I'm not a veterinarian.
Ethan: She needs a cardio-thoracic surgeon.
Sharon: You've done this procedure many times.
Connor: Well, yeah, I have, on human beings.
Ethan: Same plumbing, just bigger. Crack her chest and plug the hole.
Connor: I can't just crack her chest, she'll lose too much blood, and what am I suppose to transfuse with? Do we have panda in the blood bank?