A Series of Bizarre Calls - 9-1-1
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Athena and fellow officers are chasing after a runaway 118 firetruck.

Flashing back, Buck talks about moving forward from his family secrets and continuing therapy with them. The team meets the new probie, and he tells them he had a quiet shift. The team believes they are now jinxed since the word quiet was spoken.

Immediately, calls start coming in left and right, including a fender bender by a billboard that a man has duct tapped himself too. While on the scene, Eddie runs into Christopher’s old teacher, Ana, and strikes up a conversation.

After a series of other bizarre calls, the team gets trapped in the truck after a power line falls on their truck. While trapped inside, they debate whether or not they are being jinxed.

At a call for a garage fire setting off fireworks, Eddie gets assistance from a firefighter from another house. Later, he finds out the man helping him wasn’t an actual firefighter.

The fake fighter, Brian, shows up at the scene of a burger place after calling in a phony tip, and when Buck goes to confront him, he steals the 118 truck. The police chase after him but are unable to trap him.

Eddie radios into the truck and talks to Brian, and convinces him to drive the truck to the scene of a five-alarm fire, where he is arrested.

While the rest of the 118 goes to get something to eat after their shift, Eddie goes out to breakfast with Ana.

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9-1-1 Season 4 Episode 6 Quotes

He shoulda paid for half a day.


Eddie: You're allowed to give yourself some time, you know. To process.
Buck: I know. I'm just tired of looking behind me. I'm ready to start thinking about the future.