Fogg: There’s too much god damn magic. Yes, I know.
Julia: Some surges come and go, and hardly anyone notices.
Fogg: And sometimes it’s a cluster fuck of catastrophe and death.
Julia: I’m trying to figure out a pattern. Why some surges and not others.
Fogg: Well, if you’d had a proper Brakebills’ education, you’d know the answer: circumstances, dear – the phase of the moon, the nearest body of water. You must factor them all into your castings.
Julia: Even us filthy hedges know about circumstances.

Alice: Quentin?
Young Quentin: Where am I? Where are my pants? If this is a dream – and it seems like it’s a dream – shouldn’t knowing it’s a dream wake me up? Unless it’s a lucid dream, like that episode of Voyager, or I’ve been kidnapped by aliens who are trying to get secrets out of me like that other episode of Voyager. Something wrong?
Alice: No, it’s just you sound like someone I used to know.

Eliot: This isn’t real.
Fen: Eliot. Hey.
Eliot: Hey. How are you talking right now?
Fen: I’m dead, not rude.
Eliot: Oh, you’re a ghost.
Fen: Am I?
Eliot: Sorry.
Fen: It’s hard to be mad. I was a terrible High King, or that’s what a lot of people screamed at me, and a lot of strangers screaming at you can’t be wrong.
Eliot: Right.
Fen: Eliot: This isn’t real.
Fen: Eliot. Hey.
Eliot: Hey. How are you talking right now?
Fen: I’m dead, not rude.
Eliot: Oh, you’re a ghost.
Fen: Am I?
Eliot: Sorry.
Fen: It’s hard to be mad. I was a terrible High King, or that’s what a lot of people screamed at me, and a lot of strangers screaming at you can’t be wrong.
Eliot: Right.
Fen: Anyhoo, they hung me. Fen out bitches.

Young Quentin: Why are you staring at me?
Julia: Because. Holy shit.
Young Quentin: You look like somebody I know. My friend Julia. Her grandma.
Julia: Yeah, OK, great. Um, you know, I actually have to talk, so maybe you could go play with rocks or something.

Julia: Well, maybe I could help you to save the world.
Sir Effingham: Yes, very good. Oh, you’re serious? No, no, you see, I’m afraid that would be far too difficult for someone like you to handle.
Julia: You know I have saved the world before. I was an actual goddess.
Sir Effingham: And yet you are still quite fetching, albeit unmarried. Look, the nature of the quest that I must deliver, well, it requires a certain kind of hero.
Julia: And what kind of hero would that be?
Sir Effingham: Well, that is to say, to use the common tongue, a hero with a pork loin.
Julia: So, the apocalypse is happening and whatever and this little piggy comes all this way, but you won’t accept my help because I’m a woman.
Sir Effingham: Quite right. Well, I have a long journey ahead of me. This has been a dreadful setback, but I’m sure that a hero will rise, and he will save us.

Stephanie: I know what you’re going through. When your father died I was a wreck. I didn’t know what to do. I wasn’t ready to be alone – I didn’t even know how to be alone. I did some pretty insane things just to get by. Insane, even for me, but I’ll spare you the details.
Alice: Doesn’t sound like you.
Stephanie: Well, I could tell you if you prefer.
Alice: What’s your point mom? That’s everything just gonna get better eventually.
Stephanie: No one gets to tell you how to grieve Alice. You’re on this journey by yourself. Only you know where it’s going to take you. If you need to do something crazy to get through it, do something crazy, OK.

Julia: So tell me, how can I help you?
Sir Ethingham: You can help me find Quentin Coldwater.
Julia: Oh, yeah, that’s not possible.
Sir Ethingham: Perhaps you have been beset by hysteria. Is your corset too tight? It can cause the womb to wander. I have seen it happen.
Julia: Um, you can’t talk to Quentin because he’s dead. He died.

Eliot: I don’t want to tell you things are hopeless, but they’re not looking very good, and I hate to see you feeling like this.
Margo: Not gonna feel better. What the hell is wrong with you? You should feel just as upset.
Eliot: Uh, I don’t know. I guess it takes a lot to upset me.
Margo: I think you’re gloriously medicated and in some textbook denial.
Eliot: I’m managing. I’m fine.
Margo: Sure, you’re fine. A monster rode you around for months while he murdered people, and then one of your closest friends died.
Eliot: You know, I don’t remember anything from in there.
Margo: As if that changes a god damn thing.
Eliot: Quentin died, and it hurts, and I don’t really want to talk about it. Everything you have to say you already know, so why?

Eliot: To our pretty corpses.
Margo: God damn gorgeous corpses. I’d fuck our corpses. What are we doing here, Eliot?
Eliot: We’re despairing in style, as befits two former High Kings of Fillory.

Margo: Although Dark King is a little generic as far as villain names go, wouldn’t you say?
Eliot: I have notes.
Margo: Look, we get it. You’re a despot, you’re the fucking Dark King.

Penny: Jesus Christ, what happened here?
Fogg: Everett drank a reservoir of magic and exploded. It had to go somewhere. Too much magic means too many people with potential are discovering their gift. Lately, more people have been able to pass than we can handle and now look at this place. It might as well be a god damn state school. Overcrowded, discipline problems. Did you know someone stole the school’s supply of living clay? Now, of course, thanks to the surges, some of them have blown themselves up, which isn’t very good for morale, but yes, it helps with the god damn over enrollment.

Penny: Welcome to introductory psychic translocation. My name is Professor Adiyodi. I see you have your Umar, Kominsky, Aurora. See, I always thought books would help, but, the only problem is books make you think you can do something that you shouldn’t. Anyone hearing other people’s thoughts yet? Cool, you’re going to want to get some psychic wards to block that shit out right now. The truth: Being a traveler is a curse. Best case scenario, you end up a taxi service for your friends. Worst case, you dream about volcanoes, and then you wake up in one. What?
Student: Yeah, are you actually going to teach us something or are you going to keep trying to scare us?
Penny: Look, man, I’m trying to be real with you. You should be scared. I mean have you even actually traveled? Anyone? OK seriously, get an anti-traveling tattoo, and just go. Enjoy your life because it’ll be a hell of a lot longer than if you stick around with this shit. End of class. Peace.

The Magicians Quotes

Dean: Snuck a box of Oreos.
Quentin: Magicians can't eat Oreos?
Dean: Diabetics can't eat Oreos.

I can't just go to Yale if I know this place exists.
