You know what could have happened, Callie? You could have been raped, or beaten, or killed. This is nothing to celebrate. In spite of the fact that Troy Johnson confessed, the DA has not dropped the Breaking and Entering or the Hit and Run charges, so you are not out of the woods yet, young lady.


Lena: Robert, we appreciate everything you do for Callie.
Stef: We just would have liked a heads up.

Robert: I know she made a couple of mistakes--
Stef: Well, she keeps making the same mistakes, and we should in no way celebrate them.

Robert: Callie, look. I know I'm not your parent, alright, but I want to help.
Callie: I don't need your help.
Stef: Well, we do. Lean and I, we're at our wit's end. We can't watch you 24/7. We have four other teenagers in this house who also need our attention.
Callie: So you want me to go live with Robert?
Lena: No.
Robert: I just want to spend more time with you, support you in making better decisions.
Lena: Callie, we love you, but there's only so much that any of us can do for you.
Stef: You need to decide who you want to be going forward because this girl is not acceptable.

Lena: Are we doing the right thing?
Stef: I'm assuming you changed the subject.
Lena: Involving Robert more in Callie's life. Don't forget he did fight us for custody.
Stef: Callie is turning 18 in six months. It's not an issue anymore.
Lena: Ok, good because we already have one birth father living in our garage.
Stef: Well, you know what they say: it takes a village.
Lena: This is not like you.
Stef: I just think that after this last thing with Callie, I really don't know what to do.
Lena: I know that was so awful for you. I'm so sorry.

Professor: There's always next year.
Callie: I can't wait until next year. I need this now.

Jesus: Since I got this TBI, people treat me like I'm special needs.
Gabe: Talk to your moms.
Jesus: All they do is lie to me and keep secrets. Just tell me.

If you cannot respect our authority as the twins' parents, I'm going to have to ask you to leave.

Stef [to Gabe]

If you try to be someone you're not, you won't be happy and as an artist, you won't have anything to say.


Brandon: What?
Callie: Pretty sure she was trying to have sex with you.
Brandon: What? No. No!
Callie: Yeah, she made a very bold move. Obviously, it backfired.
Brandon: Oh my God!

Callie: When you first met me, you told me that I wasn't disposable, and I'm really trying to believe that.
Lena: We don't want you to throw away your past, Callie. We just want you to stop repeating it.
Stef: We want you to be safe, Callie. We want you to be 17. You don't have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders.

Jesus: I'm going to ask Emma to do it with me if that's okay?
Mariana: You already said you didn't want to do it with me. So why are you asking? Just do what you want.

The Fosters Season 5 Episode 2 Quotes

Lena: Robert, we appreciate everything you do for Callie.
Stef: We just would have liked a heads up.

You know what could have happened, Callie? You could have been raped, or beaten, or killed. This is nothing to celebrate. In spite of the fact that Troy Johnson confessed, the DA has not dropped the Breaking and Entering or the Hit and Run charges, so you are not out of the woods yet, young lady.
