Alandra: So has Lore always been this arch?
Lore: Did the tree move? Or did the apple just fall far from it? When you’re constantly subjected to these self-righteous, self-proclaimed heroes, spewing their morality as if vomit were somehow virtuous, then sometimes, dear, a little bend, a little arch, a little antagonizing flair is required.

It’s possible the answers to humanity and free will the Soongs have been asking all these centuries is here, now, in this Data.


Beverly: You know, I took an oath to do no harm, but you should know I am rethinking that promise.
Vadic: Aren’t you adorable? I was under the impression that this would be more of an interrogation only now, it seems you’ve given up your endgame before the start.

Beverly: What do you want with Jack?
Vadic: Me? Nothing.
Picard: Answer the question!
Vadic: He’s not for me! We could bond over that, since he was never really for you either.
Beverly: What the hell does that mean?

Would you like to hear more about where my appetite for your brutal inevitable extinction comes from? I got it from Starfleet. You gave me the ability to mimic your blood, hold my form, pass every test. And you did so while inflicting more torment on me. And those I loved. So don’t tell me I have no regard for love! Or innocence! Or pain.


I warned you it would end this way. You could’ve spared yourself then where you are now. I did this not out of cruelty, but mercy. To be mutable, fluid, means knowing what the river knows, that there are many ways to the same sea. So here we are, where we were always going.


How remarkable it is that an enlightened species can ignore each other’s pain.


The symphony I discovered didn’t have brass and strings but rather squealing of wheels down a hall, squeaking of boots on concrete, creaks of cage doors, screams of all tempos, pitches, and whistling. She whistled while she injected us, exposed us, inflicted us with more pain than any being should ever be expected to endure.


Data, I know you’re in there. So I need you to listen to me because Life rarely gives you second chances to say what you should. Data, you made me better. You did. You made me a better man, a better father, better friend. And when you died, it broke me. But, see, you put me back together, you repaired me, the memory of you.


Beverly: There never would’ve been a war had the Changelings not initiated it.
Vadic: Necessity. Solids like you were coming and you ruin every world you touch.
Picard: Name one.
Vadic: Mine. We were barely out of the gates of war and your Federation turned to genocide.

Alandra: Why is Lore doing this?
Geordi: Chaos. He loves the chaos.

Picard: Are you and I so fundamentally changed that we’re willing to compromise everything, everything that we believed in?
Beverly: Yes, I think I’m losing my compass.

Star Trek: Picard Quotes

Data: Why are you stalling, Captain?
Picard: I don't want the game to end.

Dahj: Have you ever... been a stranger to yourself?
Picard: Many, many times