There was a time when I was always running for my life. Being chased, barely surviving. Now, I’m the one who does the hunting.


Before you go drawing any bubble baths or making PB&Js, I’ve got a few questions for you, 007.


Teresa: She’s with us now. She’s my lawyer.
Pote: And she’s family.

Kelly Anne: Thank you for not murdering me.
James: You’re welcome.

If you plan on sticking around, you just need to remember that Teresa’s the boss, so next time she gives you an order, you better follow it.

Kelly Anne

I know things are complicated between you and James, but it’s real simple between you and me. There’s only two women I’ve loved in my life, my momma and you. You’re like the sister I never had, so I am always going to be looking out for you.


Boaz: Javier was my blood, not yours.
Teresa: He killed my godson. If I can wait, so can you. This isn’t a request.

A banker stole from me once. He’s no longer in business.


Lafayette: They say the sins of the father are passed down. I wish my sins had been passed down. If Davis had been a son of a bitch, a bull, like me, he’d still be alive. But, he took after his mother, God rest her soul.
Boaz: I was angry for a long time. Then one day, I woke up at peace.
Lafayette: Peace? Not really my nature.
Boaz: I never said it lasted.
Lafayette: What took its place?
Boaz: Revenge.
Lafayette: Now that’s something I can drink to.

Queen of the South Season 5 Episode 1 Quotes

Before you go drawing any bubble baths or making PB&Js, I’ve got a few questions for you, 007.


There was a time when I was always running for my life. Being chased, barely surviving. Now, I’m the one who does the hunting.
