Coy: How do I get out of here? How much can I pay? How much do I owe?
Farm Owner: $363.
Coy: I got paid $40 on Friday. You can add that in.
Farm Owner: I already added it in. Work faster, you get paid more.
Coy: I just need a little help.
Farm Owner: Work faster.

Shae: I want an abortion.
Kimara: Okay. Have you ever had one before?
Shae: Yes.
Kimara: Where?
Shae: In DC.
Kimara: Okay. How far along are you?
Shae: I'm not really sure.
Kimara: Okay. I know someone at the courthouse. I can talk to her about getting you in.
Shae: Getting me in?
Kimara: The procedure needs to be approved.
Shae: You mean in court?
Kimara: You're underage. You need to get a waiver from a judge or permission from your parents. You wanna call them?
Shae: I didn't have to do all this in DC. I just went to Planned Parenthood.
Kimara: You're not in DC anymore. This is North Carolina.

Cop: Tell us about Teo.
Luis: Teo is my son. He is 17. He likes to laugh. I used to worry that people wouldn't take him serious, that he would get into trouble for messing around too much. But he just likes to make people happy.
Cop: That isn't what I meant. I meant, does he have any scars, tattoos or distinguishing marks we can use to help identify his body?

Jeanette: Did you look... did you see...
JD: I don't want to look. I don't want to see. It's happened before, Jeanette.
Jeanette: How many died?
JD: A lot, Jeannette. A whole lot. Since I was a boy, it's been business as usual.

I'm Shae. Same deal. Not the same. But same kind. Before this I was living with my guy. He took care of me. He promised I'd never have to go home, never have to see my dad, or my dad's girlfriend who made me have an abortion because she thought I only got pregnant cause I wanted the attention. Billy took care of me. I know he's done some messed up stuff, but he was the only one who ever gave me anything. I miss that. I miss him.


When they were running crack, they didn't have no Narcan. They let the Mexicans die. They let the blacks die. And then heroin comes into the suburbs and all of a sudden they got this magic powder.


It's not just the accident. Your father... I worry about his health. You're all doing more and more and I... I sit around. That's what I do all day, I sit around. So if I can help... that's something I can do.


Luis: [in Spanish]: You recognize him?
Man: [in Spanish]: I don't want trouble.
Luis: [in Spanish]: He's not trouble. He's my family.
Man: [in Spanish]: I don't know if your family's trouble.
Luis: [in Spanish]: He's not trouble. He's a kid, he's seventeen.
Man: [in Spanish]: If he's stupid, he's in jail.

Diego: Who said you could pay him?
Isaac: He's working extra...
Diego: Who said you could pay him?
Isaac: He's just looking to make extra money.
Diego: You want him to stay high, you pay him so he can take his white-trash pills and stay lit up.
Isaac: You tell me you want him to work, then you say he's not working enough. What do you want me to do?
Diego: I want you to think. You let a druggie on the farm, you don't know what he's gonna do.

Jeannette: You have to look at -
Carson: I've done nothing but look. You've been putting them in front of my face day and night.
Jeannette: But those people who died -
Carson: They're not our responsibility. They weren't even on our property.
Jeannette: But you know how they lived.

Jeannette: Is there anything we can do?
Lori-Anne: Well, I think we all feel badly.
Jeannette: Yes, but is there anything we can do? Is there anything I should be doing?
Lori-Anne: People often confuse doing something good with having done something wrong.

Kimara: I've been getting IVF treatments and so far it's not taking. And these treatments... they're expensive.
Man: How expensive?
Kimara: Like, $12,000 a cycle.
Man: You need money?
Kimara: What I need... the doctor, they send you to the next person and help you fill out the paperwork and that's it. The sperm donors are anonymous and the rooms are cold. And it's lonely. It shouldn't be so lonely, trying to start a family.

American Crime Quotes

Here's the notice of his suspension, we don't play favorites. Every student is teated equally. I understand Ms. Blaine may feel otherwise, but we've done all that we can.


No one was singled out.
