Morgan: Thank God you're alive.
Broussard: I shouldn't be.
Katie: What happened?
Broussard: I got the Hands to chase me to the roof. Then the pinned me down. I dropped the tracking device. The drones showed up and opened fire. Shredded everything.
Will: Except you.
Broussard: Yeah. One of them came down, closer than you are right now, just stared at me. And then it just flew away.
Will: That happened to me, coming back to Santa Monica.
Katie: Maybe it has something to do with that file you found in the Black Jack's car. Maybe you're both on some kind of special list?

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Colony Season 2 Episode 12: "Seppuku"
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Colony Season 2 Episode 12 Quotes

Broussard: That woman is a plague. She'll burn this bloc down without a second thought.
Katie: She lost a child.
Broussard: Exactly. Which is why she'll keep provoking the occupation until they go nuclear, which is probably what she wants.
Katie: So what do we do?
Broussard: Take back the gauntlet. And wipe them all out.

Maddie: What do you think's gonna happen to the bloc?
Nolan: Nothing good.
Maddie: What about us?
Nolan: Depends upon the choices we make, I guess.
Maddie: What do you mean?
Nolan: We live in a moment filled with tough decisions. Sometimes those decisions can seem selfish, but we're just doing what we need to do to survive.