Raylan and Winona

Raylan cleans up well, doesn't he? He's seen here with "Winona" in a scene from "The Life Inside."

Raylan Givens Photograph

Raylan Givens is seen here during a scene from "The Moonshine War." It was the second season premiere episode.

Raylan Photograph

Raylan is after human traffickers that apprehend a pregnant woman on the second episode of season two. We're glad we're not them.

Raylan Photo

Raylan is seen here on the season two premiere of Justified. He played perfectly by Timothy Olyphant.

As Mags Bennett

Margo Martindale will recur on season two of Justified. As seen here, she'll portray a character named Mags Bennett.

Justified Season 2 Quotes

Don't get me wrong, I have no moral objection to you killing her. You understand miss, the life you've led.


Boyd: I wouldn't call it an execution. More like retribution, she killed my daddy.
Raylan: That's what you wanted to do.