A Million Little Things Season 5 Episode 1 Review: The Last Dance

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It's back, and it's already challenging to think about saying goodbye.

So much of A Million Little Things Season 5 Episode 1 nestled into that sweet spot that makes this show so good, endearing, and warming to the heart, and there's something to be said about the series finding its footing and leaning heavily into what it does best for its final season.

The family group feels more cohesive and loving than ever, and that's probably why the premiere elicited tears before it even hit the five-minute mark. Those carried on over until the credits rolled. Oh, A Million Little Things is most certainly back.

Gathering for  Funeral  - A Million Little Things Season 5 Episode 1

The hero of the hour is, without a doubt, James Roday Rodriguez, who executed the more subdued yet cautiously hopeful version of Gary as he faces the unknown with his health, his future with Maggie and their kid, and whatever else life has in store for his family.

But the somber tone of losing his father is where he got to shine best, particularly as he recounted a tale of snowball fights and stolen index cards with such fervor it made you wonder if the story was real to the actor himself.

Smlling Mom-to-be  - A Million Little Things Season 5 Episode 1

And you hung onto every word and image it concocted until his voice cracked, and the sobs came in a moment that rocked you to your core.

It's those moments beyond the default Gary who wisecracks and hides behind humor, that one appreciates most because it's in those instances that you truly appreciate Roday Rodriguez's range and underrated talent.

The start of the hour with Javier supporting Gary during his chemotherapy is enough to make you smile.

Their bond has evolved nicely over the series as they reconnected so that by the time we get to moments where he's providing alibis for Gary without question or cracking jokes in such a way that you know where Gary's humor derives during chemo, it warms your heart.

Javier - tall - A Million Little Things Season 3 Episode 12

And that's why his subsequent death hits hard, even though we didn't lose a primary character, and a funeral seemed to come out of nowhere.

Truthfully, I don't know if they needed to kill off Gary's father. It was death for the sake of it, the trauma and heartbreak when there's already more than enough to go around.

Gary: Hey, pop.
Javier: Yeah?
Gary: Thanks for being here with me. I know it's not easy to pretend that all of this is normal.
Javier: However you want to do this, that's how we're going to do it, okay, mijo? I got you.

Gary and Maggie are dealing with far more than any single couple should have to bear, all at the same time. It would've been infinitely nicer if Javier had been around to meet his grandson he was so excited about or to make sure his son was truly okay.

Javier's death was simply a catalyst for Gary to reflect and head to Gene for a funeral to prompt Sophie to reflect on her loss that goes far deeper than Jon's sudden death and for Rome to check in with his father again.

An Unexpected Loss - A Million Little Things

But no one can deny that a reflective Gary spending time with pseudo-son Danny isn't primary viewing.

The Gary and Danny dynamic is among the finest the series has presented us with over the years, and it's also one of the best to showcase the growth and development of both characters.

Danny is so mature now. He's learning how to drive, for goodness sake. When did that happen?

And he was able to connect with Gary, not as his godson, but as a peer who knows what it's like to lose your father when you're not prepared for it.

Distinguished Danny  - A Million Little Things Season 5 Episode 1

He handled Gary so well. The misadventure to steal Charleston Chews, a nice reference to the show's lore, was endearing and could take Gary's mind off what happened.

But Gary choosing the day of his father's funeral to see Gene and knowing the importance of taking Danny with him was easily the strongest and best arc of the hour.

It broke his heart that he was too late in returning the photo. He wished he had taken his father sooner, knew how much it meant to him, and learned that time is precious, and he isn't inclined to waste any of it anymore.

Because of its authenticity, the three men expressing their grief and sharing funny stories was a raw but perfect moment. It felt true to form for people when they've lost loved ones. It's something that they could all connect to and relate to.

More News -tall  - A Million Little Things Season 4 Episode 17

It's why Sophie and Danny, even as teens and young adults welcoming a nearly 40-year-old man into the Dead Dads Club, worked so well.

This series has always been about scenes like that, with the three men bonding over grief and life.

And that was before it took that turn into Danny thanking Gene for his service, not as a veteran of war but as an elder who was unwittingly in a different type of war absent of choice just because he dared to be who and what he truly is.

You could tell the moment of gratitude and recognition, coming from a teen whose journey as a gay man is just a little bit easier to navigate, caught Dean so off guard he was left speechless.

Reaching Adulthood -tall  - A Million Little Things Season 5 Episode 1

It was such a truly and genuinely beautiful moment of recognition. I appreciate that the series had the foresight and intention of bringing it full circle back to that, not leaving it out in any capacity.

At the beginning of the hour, when Gary suggested he and Danny head out for a day he had planned, you wouldn't have envisioned that it would take you to this moment, nor anticipate the importance of that for both Gary but also Danny too.

Danny: Gene, thank you for your service.
Gene: I didn't fight in the war.
Danny: That's not what I mean. I'm in high school, and I'm gay, and I'm out, and you absolutely fought for me, so thank you.

And it again speaks to Gary's selflessness that he's always thinking about other people, even amid his own heavy stuff.

I love when the series stumbles upon powerful and poignant moments like that, although it's probably a disservice to describe them as "stumbles" and not carefully crafted and with intention.

Heavily Pregnant Maggie -tall  - A Million Little Things Season 5 Episode 1

As expected, Gary was simply at his best and most compelling during the hour. Even the way the friendship group handled the news about his cancer was great, and so like them.

Javier got that text message and took off, knowing that Gary had another family who needed to support him. Rome slipping in casually with Gary's favorite meal and not even broaching the topic but in such good spirits was an emotional moment, followed by Eddie and his cheesy jokes wheeling in to accompany them.

The brotherhood is so strong with those three, better now than ever because of all they've endured in recent years.

Sure, it sucked that we didn't see the Howards sharing the news with the rest of the group, but it worked out well enough. In the end, it's moments like literally everyone part of the core group, sans Delilah, in that room with Gary and Maggie to support them regardless of what Gary's doctor said.

Scoping Out the Funeral -tall  - A Million Little Things Season 5 Episode 1

So often, it can be cheesy when this group of people shows up for each other when someone gets a paper cut, but these are the moments when you cherish that bond and how it's displayed.

And Gary's prognosis is as realistic as it gets. He'll always have cancer; there's no way of knowing if he'll decline in the near future, and it's all so unpredictable. But he's healthier now; he's good now, and that's all they can hope for these days.

The rest, like most things, you take day by day.

For Maggie's part, they didn't delve too much into her battle as a pregnant caretaker in that regard. But she and Katherine had a nice outing out.

Holding Her Belly  - A Million Little Things Season 5 Episode 1

Her moments of fear that Gary wouldn't be there for their son (we're having a boy!) felt right, albeit understated.

Interestingly, Gina spent the day with Sophie instead of joining Maggie and Katherine. But Aunt Gina has always done well with the elder kids, and the bond between Gina and Sophie is also easy to cherish. She's become to Sophie what Gary is to Danny.

Sophie: Sometimes it feels like...
Gina: Like you didn't always have parents to fall back on?

Sophie's realizations about her childhood and how it wasn't always rosy align with her maturing and growing as she reaches adulthood. It's funny the things you'll reflect on, not as a matter of assigning blame, but analyzing and coming to understand why you are the way you are.

Initially, it seemed like the funeral was hard on her because of Jon, which it was, but she also found herself thinking about how she doesn't have either of her parents.

Lounging - tall - A Million Little Things Season 5 Episode 1

She recalled how she felt she had to grow up on her own because before Jon died, he was always working, and Delilah was... Delilah was interesting.

It wasn't a total retcon, but it feels more like Sophie's perception as a child evolving.

It's promising that she will work alongside Gina. With Tyrell gone, Gina doesn't have anyone in the vicinity to pour all that maternal energy she's had into except Sophie. The two of them working together will be a treat.

We only got a little to work with the Saville clan. Katherine is still trying to navigate her relationship with Greta and her identity. She doesn't feel she should need to announce who she is to the world, and that's fair.

Katie's New Do -tall - A Million Little Things Season 5 Episode 1

But she's also aware of feeling under a microscope. I would love to learn more about how things have been for them, especially since there's been a time jump.

And Eddie's storyline didn't go as one would've expected, and it's all the better for it.

While there's nothing wrong with Anna, per se, it was disappointing when it seemed as though he was waiting for her to get out of jail and they'd be together.

By now, Eddie needs a decent, stable relationship minus excessive drama; Anna is tied to too many other characters, and the situation is too messy.

Gloomy Date -tall  - A Million Little Things Season 5 Episode 1

Fortunately, she's relocating, and it makes sense for a character who wants to escape the whisperings and bad memories of her late husband and the scandals.

And Eddie should be at home, in Boston, with his family.

Anna: You are the only good thing about this past year.
Eddie: This is the first time I've been with someone where I felt like I could be exactly what I wanted to be.
Anna: Eddie, know that not once in this relationship have you let me down.

He deserves to find a new love that can work with his lifestyle and match him for who and what he is now.

Anna was good for him in some ways, and her parting words about him never once letting her down were great for Eddie. He needed to know that he's had a relationship where he wasn't the screwup or failed to meet someone else's expectations.

Anna's Lie -tall  - A Million Little Things Season 4 Episode 17

Those words alone were probably healing for him, giving him the confidence he'll need when he enters his next relationship.

As they say, there are some people in your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime, and Anna was probably the nice transitional relationship Eddie needed to set him up for his next great love.

If that's the case, it's okay. Hopefully, good things are coming to him in the future.

But for now, everyone has each other, and there's always something beautiful and comforting about that.

Little Rockstar -tall  - A Million Little Things Season 4 Episode 16

We also have the possibility of another tragic storyline on the horizon. What is with this series and its treatment of parents? It's upsetting!

Rome had a hard time hearing that Walter was potentially showing signs of dementia. No one wants to hear that about their loved one.

Flo: Rome, I'm serious. I think you need to get your dad checked out.
Rome: He's still young. We all forget things.

He needs to be around Walter more to see it, as Florence probably did, so it's doubtful that she jumped the gun on it.

Walter successfully deflected, and the father and son had some laughs about the situation, but you know it's not over. We'll have to be worried about Walter now, too.

Walter Finds Happiness  - A Million Little Things Season 3 Episode 13

You can't say they didn't pack an emotional punch with this premiere.

Over to you, AMLT Fanatics.

What did you think of the premiere? Are you relieved about Gary's prognosis or still worried? What do you hope to see this final season? Sound off below.

You can watch A Million Little Things online here via TV Fanatic.

The Last Dance Review

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Jasmine Blu is a senior staff writer for TV Fanatic. She is an insomniac who spends late nights and early mornings binge-watching way too many shows and binge-drinking way too much tea. Her eclectic taste makes her an unpredictable viewer with an appreciation for complex characters, diverse representation, dynamic duos, compelling stories, and guilty pleasures. You'll definitely find her obsessively live-tweeting, waxing poetic, and chatting up fellow Fanatics and readers. Follow her on X.

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A Million Little Things Season 5 Episode 1 Quotes

Danny: Gene, thank you for your service.
Gene: I didn't fight in the war.
Danny: That's not what I mean. I'm in high school, and I'm gay, and I'm out, and you absolutely fought for me, so thank you.

Gary: Hey, pop.
Javier: Yeah?
Gary: Thanks for being here with me. I know it's not easy to pretend that all of this is normal.
Javier: However you want to do this, that's how we're going to do it, okay, mijo? I got you.