Younger Season 6 Episode 4 Review: An Inside Glob

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It's not looking too hot for Millennial on Younger Season 6 Episode 4.

As predicted, Charles is the wealthy investor funding Mercury, and while his motivations were anything but shady at first, there seems to be a storm brewing between the publishing houses. 

By the end of "An Inside Glob," Charles resigned from the board at Millennial to fully pursue his new publishing house with Zane, which made him a direct competitor to the ladies. 

Focus Has Shifted - Tall  - Younger Season 6 Episode 4

And to make matters worse, all of the agents representing Millennial's authors were threatening to leave and sign with Mercury after Kelsey's very public outburst. 

Let's just talk about that for a minute. 

Kelsey is going through a huge transitional period. 

She took on this huge new gig, she squared off with the woman who gave her the job, and now, she is learning that the man she thought was a friend and mentor is working behind her back. 

Kelsey: Let's just make sure she re-ups her contract.
Diana: As the boss, I suggest you make that happen. She's a cash cow, and Millennial could use the milk.
Kelsey: Did you have to say that?
Diana: I did.

It's a lot. Her frustrations are understood and expected. 

But her reaction, which was heavily rooted in emotions, was not necessary in such a public space. 

Unfortunately, Kelsey came out looking like the bad guy despite being on the money about her Charles and Zane accusations.

Neither was forthcoming about their plans to create a publishing house that would rival Millennial.

Charles wasn't being purposefully deceptive.

When Liza confronted him, he explained that he was finding his footing and wasn't exactly allowed to be pursuing a venture in the same space while still serving on the board. 

I Can't Believe This is Happening - Younger Season 6 Episode 4

Should they have told Kelsey in private? 

Of course. She was bound to find out, especially since they were going after the same authors. 

But regardless of where and when she found out, I doubt Kelsey would have reacted any differently. 

While I believe she's mature for her age and has accomplished a lot, acting out, despite how necessary it was for her at the time, made her look immature. 

When Liza confronted Charles about it she was obviously upset, but she didn't let her emotions take over. 

Good News Bad News  - Younger Season 6 Episode 4

Publishing is a business where your reputation matters. 

Above all, your relationships matter. 

Kelsey is already being looked down upon because of her age, and now, she's singlehandedly given the doubters the proof for them to say "aha, we knew she wasn't ready for this."

She proved their worst fears. 

And as a millennial herself, it was kind of ridiculous that she didn't consider that her blow-up would end up making the rounds on social media.

You know everything ends up on Reddit.

Why Are You Wearing That Hat? - Younger Season 6 Episode 4

If she wants to play the game, she needs to act professionally even when she'd prefer to punch Zane in that beautiful face of his. 

The one thing Kelsey also needs to realize is that not every author is meant to sign with them. 

Without Empirical backing them, Millennial is very niche and has a distinct audience which isn't going to work with every author. 

And the same can be said for Mercury.

Listen, you are energetically inflamed. Alright, your aura is like a cartoon bird that just ate a pepper.


There is some method to Kelsey's madness since the erotica writer decided to stay with them because she liked how fiercely Kelsey fought for her. 

Millennial is going to have a lot of catching up to do to prove that despite they are just as capable as the men with experience and some gray hairs. 

Dinner Party - Younger Season 6 Episode 4

Can they do it? Duh. They have Diana on their team. 

Diana, as I've said before, is the glue holding them together. 

Her witty one-liners continue to be the most entertaining moments in the series.

Related: Younger Season 6 Episode 3 Review: The Unusual Suspect

Now that she's part of the BFF circle with Kelsey and Liza, she's really flourishing and letting her personality shine. 

Liza will likely side with Kelsey not because she works at Millennial, but also because she too was blindsided by Charles. 

But what does this mean for their romantic relationship?

Erotica  - Younger Season 6 Episode 4

Charles said he never wanted to give up publishing, but he gave up Empirical in order to pursue a relationship with Liza. 

He made a sacrifice, but that doesn't mean he cannot still re-establish himself in the industry. 

It's a low blow for Millennial, surely, but is it wrong of him to want to prove himself?

Zane: Money isn't everything. Sometimes, it's about charm.
Kelsey: Oh, so you slept with her? God, that is completely unethical. And so creepy.
Zane: But it's fine when you do it?
Kelsey: I only slept with my authors after they signed.

This could be a male vs. female battle that's competitive in the office yet doesn't affect either relationship in their personal lives. 

However, that's unlikely. For the sake of drama, Charles' new venture will undoubtedly drive a wedge between him and Liza. 

They might be able to work through it, but considering the series has stopped focusing on the passion between the two of them, I'm going to assume things will get ugly. 

And none of this is going to help Kelsey's alopecia. 

It's a good thing she looks good in hats. 

Outside of the publishing walls, Maggie is healing from her vagina trauma thanks to new squeeze Beth. 

Natural Remedy - Younger Season 6 Episode 4

It's great that Maggie has a love interest now because it allows for some fun double-dates between her and Liza. 

Wasn't it nice to see Charles involved in Liza's life? It's rare to see him hanging out with her friends, but it's a welcome change.

Who knew that sticking a clover of garlic up your vagina was the natural remedy to a yeast infection?

Bronwitz: I bet any man would let the two of you blow him.
Liza: Let?
Bronwitz: Women my age have to work hard for that BJ, and we are better at it. Am I right?
Diana: Do people think I'm her age?

Honestly, I don't recommend trying that at home. Even if it does work wonders, there's nothing sexy about walking around and smelling like garlic bread. 

And then we have Josh who is killing it at this whole dad thing. 

Claire and Josh have figured out this whole co-parenting thing, which gives me hope, though, I still think there's a chance Claire is going to either run off with the baby or leave the baby with Josh. 

Yeast Infection  - Younger Season 6 Episode 4

Something about her rubs me the wrong way. 

I'm not buying her sweet act. 

There was a moment where Josh truly looked worried about Claire not giving him equally split custody. 

What do you think Claire's end-goal is?

Will Charles and Liza's professional life get in the way of their romance again?

Will Kelsey, Liza, and Diana figure out a way to retain all their authors?

Can they market themselves better than Mercury?

If you haven't yet, watch Younger online and let us know your thoughts! 

An Inside Glob Review

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Lizzy Buczak was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in June 2021..

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Younger Season 6 Episode 4 Quotes

Kelsey: Let's just make sure she re-ups her contract.
Diana: As the boss, I suggest you make that happen. She's a cash cow, and Millennial could use the milk.
Kelsey: Did you have to say that?
Diana: I did.

Zane: Money isn't everything. Sometimes, it's about charm.
Kelsey: Oh, so you slept with her? God, that is completely unethical. And so creepy.
Zane: But it's fine when you do it?
Kelsey: I only slept with my authors after they signed.