Chicago Med Season 2 Episode 6 Review: Alternative Medicine

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You have to know when to trust your gut.

Being over confident is a dangerous thing, but so is self doubt. Good thing that after Chicago Med Season 2 Episode 6, Dr. Rhodes is rededicating himself to his training. 

But Connor isn't the only one in need of re-centering themselves. After losing her long time patient, Nat's search for inspiration took her to an unlikely, but totally awesome place: the basement of a fourteen year old girl. A fourteen year old girl who might turn out to be the Bill Gates of medicine. 

Returning To See Dr. Reese - Chicago Med

While I'm loving Reese's arc with patient Danny, I'm also frustrated by it. The mini crossover with Lindsay from PD was great -- although why she was surprised by the GPS chip when that's the whole reason Charles figured out that Danny was being trafficked is beyond me. 

But she really needed to brief Sarah on more than how to take Danny seriously Some information about, say, collecting evidence probably would have been good. Because throwing that chip into the literal gutter was incredibly stupid.

Sure, she was trying to protect Danny and his location but a) it would already have shown that he was at the hospital, it's not like she took it very far, and b) how is Voight's team going to track down the trafficking ring without it? There's more than just Danny at stake here. 

Daniel [to Reese]: So, let me get this straight: *you* are going to give him psychotherapy in the parking lot once a week?

I'm just glad that Dr. Charles managed to retract the only bad advice that we've seen him give. I guess it made him a little more human, but I still didn't like it. He's the go-to man, he can't screw up like that!

Thank god that he was able to see the light and correct course after helping Nat. It may be completely unbelievable that the head of the psych department is basically available at all times for personal advice (in addition to patient consults), but it's also a pretty great idea. Think of how many headache's characters on Grey's Anatomy could have avoided if they had a Dr. Charles!

In the end, I think Choi ended up helping Nat more than Charles did though. Or rather Shannon did. I really hope that Med runs for another ten seasons so that we can see Shannon show up as a medical student or bio-engineer as a young adult. In the meantime, maybe mentoring these kids will help ease Nat's pain.

It's not illegal, it's just crazy. Kids. Where do they get these ideas? Listen to me, I sound like my dad.


It doesn't look like Connor will be getting out of the hospital much in the coming days. And that's a good thing. Honestly, one thing that's been lacking is the sense of utter exhaustion amongst the residents (and fellows). Everybody gets off on time, they all have time for lunch, they have healthy social lives. It's just so weird!

Even knowing that Connor didn't have a lot of support from his family, it's basically seemed like everything's come really naturally to him. Seeing him have to learn to work for his goals is refreshing. 

Also refreshing was Will Halstead's continued redemption as a decent human being. Visiting an old teacher in a (insanely fancy) care facility and playing along with her dementia earns you so many good karma points. 

You can't erase things, but you can write over them.


While there wasn't anything particularly gross and gory in "Alternative Medicine," it looks like we've got some of that to look forward to on Chicago Med Season 2 Episode 7 ("Inherent Bias"). Between the press release and the teaser, I'm unclear if it's Sharon's husband or just an old friend on the table, but he's got some kind of nasty problem.

Sharon going against hospital policy will be new, and I just hope that she doesn't regret it. Connor may also be bucking authority when he treats a patient against Charles' advice. Will's just rubbing off on everybody these days!

Halstead the younger will be keeping busy (and out of trouble) as he tries to make some dolla dollas and pimps out his medical skills on an app. It's probably not going to help his finances as much as it's going to help us all laugh. 

Choi: Chicken salad, chicken wings, chicken tenders. Don't you have anything without chicken?
Food Truck Guy: Dude, read the sign. We only do chicken, and we do it clucking well.

If you missed any of "Alternative Medicine" while you were reaching for the tissues, or just want to catch up on the season as a whole, you can always watch Chicago Med online with us. Tell us what you thought of Dr. Peter Benton Eriq Lasalle's directorial chops in the comments section.

Alternative Medicine Review

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Elizabeth Harlow was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She left the organization in October 2018.

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Chicago Med Season 2 Episode 6 Quotes

April: You don't eat chicken anymore?
Choi: Since I got my parrot, you know, eating birds doesn't feel right.

Choi: Chicken salad, chicken wings, chicken tenders. Don't you have anything without chicken?
Food Truck Guy: Dude, read the sign. We only do chicken, and we do it clucking well.