A Happy Ending? - UnREAL
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Quinn visits her gynecologist but is clearly unhappy about having a child. Rachel tries to rub off the pen ring that Tommy drew on her hand, but later he gives her a ring. Tommy demands a five-year deal from Fiona, and Fiona offers a three-year deal if they bring increased viewership in the finale. Jay also demands a second season of Passport to Dance from Fiona, but Fiona says Jay needs to be more aggressive and think bigger.

Rachel goes to Quinn's house and tells her she's falling apart, but Quinn rebuffs her and tells her that she liked feeling pitiful. Out of anger and frustration, Rachel then wants to expose Quinn's baby on TV. Rachel pretends that she has a breakdown on set in order to lure Quinn to the set, and Tommy calls Quinn to help. She succumbs and goes to help Rachel.

Quinn tells Chet that the baby is not going to be health, telling him they have to abort, but Quinn gets upset when Candy mentions how important her kid is. Rachel goes to get Maya out of jail. Tommy produces Rodrigo into romancing Noelle, who takes the bait. Tommy tells Rodrigo about Quinn's kid, and after Tommy rigs the voting so Candy and August win, Rodrigo reveals Quinn's baby on live TV. August denies everything.

Quinn then goes to take Rachel down, revealing that Roger date-raped Maya, airing the unedited footage of Noelle's assault and bringing up Maya. This reveals that Rachel was in on Quinn's plan all along. Rachel lets it play out, demonstrating that she told Quinn to sabotage her career on television. Yet, instead of Rachel, Quinn pauses and says Tommy's name instead, ruining Tommy's career. He leaves angrily, saying that Rachel really is a monster.

Jay goes to Fiona, asks to work with Fiona in the future at a production company. Rachel dyes her hair back to her natural color. Chet mourns the baby and Rachel goes to Quinn's house to give her condolences. As Rachel and Quinn curl up in bed, Rachel asks if there was anything wrong with the baby, but Quinn says she just wasn't meant to be a mother. Quinn suddenly asks if Rachel has "done it." Rachel says that there is no way of coming back from what she did, but Quinn is happy, stating that they can do better. In the last scene, it is revealed that Rachel set fire to the Everlasting set, ensuring no return to the show.

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UnREAL Season 4 Episode 8 Quotes

Rachel: What's going on? We have a finale to produce! I mean, why is everybody standing around with their dick in their hands?
Noelle: Wow, nice. All class.

Rachel: I'm really ready to change.
Quinn: Really, are you sure?
Rachel: Yeah.
Quinn: Because as far as I can tell, you're still the same lost, self-indulgent spoiled brat you were the day I met you.