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Kat looks into the city council in her district, specifically the woman running against him. She reaches out to her and offers to help, first with social media and then with clothing. She fights it though, struggling to update her practices or approaches. During an event for supporters, the candidate gives a lackluster speech and Kat chooses to say something as well to get people excited to vote.

The next day, the candidate's manager tells Kat that she dropped out because she doesn't think she would win. But Tia thinks Kat stands a good chance if she runs.

Jane gets prepared for her surgery and discovers that Ryan was watching porn on her computer since they aren't having sex right now. She gets Sutton to show her what he was watching and tries to figure out how to offer that.

Sutton has to redesign a dress for a shoot because of a model issue, which upsets the designer. She needs to go talk to her, and through it realizes that she wants to design. She tells Oliver who tells her she will need connections.

Alex reads an article written by his friend about the Me Too moment, and wants to talk to her about it. She tells him it was inspired by her experience with him, and he tries to figure out how to handle that. He wants to write something but not everyone supports it, and Jacqueline tells him to do what he feels comfortable with but that this is important.

He doesn't recieve a good reaction online but his friend appreciates that he took on the issue, at the risk of his own job. 

The Bold Type
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The Bold Type Season 3 Episode 3 Quotes

Jane: I don't watch porn.
Patrick: Well, someone who uses your computer does.

You know, whatever is on that keyboard has already been in your mouth.
