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PART ONE: Unable to move her legs, a frantic Marty (Christina Chambers) begs John to locate her missing son. David babysits Tommy while Marcie scrambles to find a way to come up with a million dollars to pay off her blackmailer. Questioned by Clint and Bo, Jared claims his mysterious visitor was just an old acquaintance looking to score some quick cash. Charlie gives in to temptation and orders a drink at Rodi's.

PART TWO: Viki knocks on her neighbor's door and is surprised when David appears. Marcie (Kathy Brier) phones Michael for help. Jared feigns anger and disbelief at the notion that he could be Asa's son. Viki admires the handsome baby boy in the playpen after David concocts a story to explain his presence in "Sally Ann's" room. Michael reminds Marcie why he can't send her the money she needs. Charlie stares at a glass of vodka.

PART THREE: John tends to Cole (Brandon Buddy), who watches as the van bursts into flames. Marcie then returns and admits defeat to David but begs for more time. Charlie reaches out to Michael and tries to convince him that alcohol won't solve his problems. Jared slyly swaps a lock of David's hair for his own. David tells Marcie he won't turn her in. John holds Cole back as the boy cries out. Charlie falls off the wagon...

One Life To Live
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