Margaret Capitalizes  - Filthy Rich
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Eugene's savior guides him and makes him atone for his sins before encouraging him to return home. He acknowledges his wrongs and she baptized him again.

Margaret calls a meeting with the kids. Eric and Becky refuse to go in after they see Antonio and the kid and Ginger and her family. Margaret tells them that they can't get the one percent of the will until after she dies but she will give them each a weekly stipend ir Antonio gives up fighting and works security, Jason gives up dealing weed, and Ginger agrees to leave not talk to the press and shut down her website.

Ginger says she'll build her business off of Margaret's. When Margaret almost loses sponsors for the sunny club she asks Reverend Paul for help. He tells her if he can baptise Ginger on TV he'll get her the viewers.

Margaret talks to Tina and finds out that Ginger used to look up to Margaret. Ginger finds out that they lost girls and clients. She agrees to the baptism and when it happens she usee it to promote her website.

Antonio's mom is with him and is using him to scam the Monreauxs and get money. But she uses his first paycheck to pay off debts.

Rose goes to Colorado to find Jason and is told he's in a coma. When she goes to talk to him, who she thought was Jason surprises her. He explains that hes Jason's adopted brother. Later their adopted mother tells Rose that she put him up to it because they needed the money for the medical expenses. Rose agrees to not tell. She and "Jasonc drive back to New Orleans.

Luke talks to Franklin and wants a story after getting fired because of Margaret. He shares that someone tried to kill Eugene.

Filthy Rich
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Filthy Rich Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

This was supposed to be the first grandchild, not that thing. That baby, a little demon here to shatter our world.


People of faith are not that fickle. That's the beauty of faith.
