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Lola was stunned when an ICE agent arrived in her courtroom to pursue a defendant. 

The defendant is in the court for causing problems in a grocery store. 

But Lola is pissed when she learns that someone is feeding information to ICE so they can get the people in court. 

Lola thinks it is a detective, and sets out to find out why. 

In the end, however, it emerges that it's the man from the store who called ICE. 

Lola finds a way to show the man it was a misdemeanor, meaning that ICE will not be notified when he gets out of prison. 

Meanwhile, Mark struggles to connect with his father. 

A case about a young woman turning against her father comes to light. He tries to reason with her, but the lawyer tries to keep him away from her. 

He has a heart-to-heart with the woman when it emerges that they have much in common. He tells her all about his father. 

The woman then turns on her father and he gets two years in the slammer. 

Mark turns to Lola to ask about his daddy issues, and she tells him to meet with his father and discuss them. 

All Rise
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All Rise Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Sherri: We need to talk unauthorized furniture.
Lola: Good morning, Sherri.
Sherri: This is a perfectly good bookcase.
Lola: For Game of Thrones. I'm sure someone around here will want it.
Sherri: Your honor.
Lola: Call me Lola.
Sherri: Never gonna happen.
Lola: Let's give it a try, it's a fun name to say. Good morning Sherri. Good morning--
Sherri: Your honor.

Lola: The governor signed a bill last year. I thought we won this battle.
Lisa: We did. Hey, I need to talk to the L.A. County sheriff. He's not going to take the call, so you just have to threaten him a little. Thanks. What are the charges?
Lola: Felony assault, first offense, no warrants out on the accused.
Lisa: He's undocumented.
Lola: This doesn't make any sense. How did ICE even know he was there? Somebody tipped them off.
Lisa: They're planning something bigger and are softening the ground with the least experience judged in the building. Where's the defendant now?
Lola: Courtroom holding, we're in recess.
Lisa: Judge Carmichael. Your court is now a legal and political minefield. Please endeavor not to blow anything up until I can get some answers.
Lola: Got it. Don't blow anything up. How exactly do I do that?
Lisa: Remain impartial. Don't let any of this affect the outcome of your defendant's trial.