If I knew that getting stabbed would get your attention, I would have done it a lot sooner.

Tobin [to Carol]

Maggie: I wanted them dead. All of them -- Negan most of all.
Rick: Yeah, me too.

Dwight: This isn't what he'd want. You know that right? He could still be out there. You sure you want to face that if he shows?
SImon: Better to beg forgiveness than ask permission, D. Future problems!

Your 38 people are alive and breathing. Turn around and leave us be and they stay that way. But if you don't, I have 38 bullets that I will personally fire into all 38.


Stop asking me what I've done and start telling me what to do, aside from where to put the damn blankets!


Gregory: I'm sorry about your brother, but killing them isn't going to bring him back.
Henry: I know, but it will make me feel better. It already did once.

I saw him in the back of the convoy, that's why I did it. I had to try, I had to.

Rick [referring to Negan]

The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 13 Quotes

Maggie: I wanted them dead. All of them -- Negan most of all.
Rick: Yeah, me too.

If I knew that getting stabbed would get your attention, I would have done it a lot sooner.

Tobin [to Carol]