Verna: You try so hard to get that man to walk away from you. Have you ever stopped to consider how painful it's going to be if you succeed? If he actually does walk away?
O: I have no idea what you're talking about.
Verna: We worked on the general election together, and I'm not stupid. And we've been through far too much together to pretend. And you're pushing him away because you think it's the right thing to do, as if right and wrong are fixed.

Huck: Is there artificial sweetener in that?
Abby: People and their secrets. Between this one and Olivia, it's like we're living in the Soviet Union. Hell, I'm an open book. What about you, Huck? What's your secret?
Huck: Artificial sweetener makes rats spit up blood?

David, I'm not asking for a tour. I'm just saying, I have cookies. 'Delicious, you'll be my slave once you eat these' cookies.


Cyrus: It's smart, it's brilliant, the optics, the staging. She's taking my playbook and throwing it in our faces.
Fitz: She has the moral high ground here, Cy. An American girl was murdered and those parents deserve justice. The better half of me wants to throw that son of a bitch in prison, immunity be damned--
Cyrus: Sir--
Fitz: The political half of me knows I can't. Keep your pants. on.

Edison, you're being investigated by the ethics committee for discussing intel with me. They're not going to let you past the guard gate. The President has de-friended you.


[to Olivia] I'm not sure why you came to the White House. Did you show up here to awaken my conscience? Make me see the error of my ways? Because I'm awake. I see the errors, thank you.


I could be running Harvard right now. I had the job. I turned it down.


Cyrus: I've just left a meeting with three staffers who think Kurkistan is next to Morocco. God I miss you. Also you can't be here.
Olivia: A young girl was brutally left to die--
Cyrus: Yes, dead girl, violence, murder, people are bad, I'm feeling emotions. The only reason I let you through those gates is because he's on the Hill right now. You can't be here. He's not doing well. He's struggling. He's suffering. And seeing you will make it worse.

Cyrus: You can't be here.
Olivia: I wouldn't have come if I didn't I need a favor.

Mellie: I want a seat at the table.
Cyrus: You have a seat at the table.
Mellie: The kiddie table. I want a seat at the adult's table like I was during the election. Or have you forgotten how things worked back then?
Cyrus: We've all made sacrifices, me as much as anyone. That was the election. This is the White House and in the White House, this is the way things work.

Olivia: Huck you didn't...
Huck: I didn't hurt him. Much. Anyway, they have him now.
Olivia: Huck if I opened a door that you can't close.
Huck: Doors are closed. I'm okay. I am. You don't worry about me. I'm handling it.
Olivia: Thank you.
Huck: No, thank you.

Quinn: [to Abby] I am not a murderer and I am not a liar, and I'm not going anywhere. So the sooner you get over it, the better. And I go by one name now and it's not Lindsay.
Harrison: [laughing, mocking] I'm Quinn, bitch.