Artie: You've never made eye contact with me.
Brittany: For awhile, I thought you were a robot.

I do love you. Clearly you don't love you, as much as I do, otherwise you'd put that shirt on and dance with me.

Artie: We all know you can do it.
Brittany: I know that I can't. Just like I know the cricket that reads to me at night is totally stealing my jewelry.

Rachel, im gonna give you some tough love right now. You're not a trendsetter. When people look at you, the dont see what you're wearing, the see a cat getting its temperature taken, and then they hear it screaming.

I know I'm more talented than all of you. Britney Spears taught me that.

Who is that guy?

Brittany [on mohawk-shaven Puck]

Santana: Just because I hate everyone doesn't mean they have to hate me too.
Brittany: It's just a stupid crown. You can buy it at the Party Store.

[to Wade] That's a great haircut Mercedes, but I thought you graduated.

I wore a tanktop today because I thought it was summer and no one taught me how to read a calendar.

Carl: I'm gonna put you under a little general anesthesia. You won't feel a thing.
Brittany: Like roofies?
Carl: Yea, totally.

Brittany: I'm gonna die.
Santana: I'll be worth it.

Most teachers think that by cutting class, I might improve my grades.

Glee Quotes

I've got a full ride to a little school called the University of California in Los Angeles. Maybe you've heard of it. It's in Los Angeles.


She may be difficult, but boy can she sing. Bravo!
