You, Me and the Apocalypse Season 1 Episode 6 Review: Home Sweet Home

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Things are finally starting to come together on You, Me and the Apocalypse Season 1 Episode 6

So far, we've been trying to piece together the mystery that connects all of these random strangers. Why do they all end up in a bunker together at the end of the world? 

Well, it turns out that they're not random strangers at all. No, it looks like everyone is part of some giant, weird, dysfunctional extended family. 

Jamie Suffers a Tragedy - You, Me and the Apocalypse

We're introduced to the grandmother, who was ordering those two mysterious goons everywhere to collect blood from her family members (because she's suffering from a mysterious disease).

Her kids are Scotty, Rhonda, and Jude. Jude, we have just learned, is Ariel and Jamie's father. Jamie has a daughter with Layla, and this daughter just might be the second coming.

Whew, complicated. From all of these revelations, it looks like it's not a coincidence at all that their lives are so intertwined. It's simply the sinister machinations of this mysterious grandmother.

Her character isn't really making the greatest impression on me, and not just because she's nefarious. The flamboyant personality, the aggressive flirtations with everyone, the weird speech patterns. She seems more like a caricature than a real person.

All of the existing characters have been grounded in reality (well, except for Leanne), so this grandmother doesn't quite fit in with the tone of this show.

The writers have been pretty successful at creating characters with complexity and depth, so it's very jarring to see such a one-note villain laughing maniacally over collecting blood.

There are four more episodes to go, so I am willing to give her the benefit of the doubt, but it's unlikely that she can be fleshed out more given that the remaining time needs to be spent with the more established characters.

We also have to now contend with the fact that the bunker that General Gaines has been planning actually isn't the bunker they are all seen in at the apocalypse. If there are two bunkers, then that certainly increases everyone's chances of survival, right?

If last week's MVP went to Dave, this week there's no question that Paula deserves that honor, and for the exact same reasons. She puts Jamie in his place, making him realize that he has to take more control over his life.

He has to make his life count for something, because it's been disaster after disaster, and now, he finally has a new purpose: being a father. Paula's speech was powerful and moving, showing just how unconditionally she has loved her son for all this time.

You're loved Jamie. And I want you to know how I feel.


It really just makes me dislike Jamie even more. Six episodes have passed, and he has done nothing but pity himself and show no concern for the people in his life who actually love him. Finding his daughter could just turn out to be another crusade, but hopefully Jamie will find her and he will finally open up his heart once more.

Speaking of unlikable characters, Scotty has earned nothing from me but disdain. Spike rightly tells him that he has been acting extremely cowardly in his reluctance to help his sister, Rhonda. Scotty finally comes through for her (in the tiniest gesture possible), but for me it was too little, too late.

However, despite how spineless Scotty is, his scene at the end with Gaines was a little gut wrenching. Scotty is so earnest and naive that you really have no choice but to feel for him when Gaines breaks his heart into tiny little pieces. 

Scotty: I love you.
General Gaines: I love you too. But right now, who cares? This is bigger than us.

The most intriguing mystery now is Ariel and the voices he's been speaking to in his head. He claims that he saw a vision to rescue Rhonda from prison. And now, he somehow knows all about Jamie and his daughter. Could Ariel be the messiah Mary thought Jamie was? 

But really, what is the deal with the monkey?

What did you all think of this episode? Do you think Ariel could be the second coming? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

Remember, you can watch You, Me and the Apocalypse online anytime via TV Fanatic!

Home Sweet Home Review

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You, Me and the Apocalypse Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

Go on, Father. Have a finger.


Jamie: I'm angry with myself, because I've wasted my life.
Professor Lot: Okay, I'm just going to check the "want to help others" box.