Helix Season 2 Episode 11 Review: Plan B

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I remember thinking, as the finale approached last season, that the show had become a bit too wonky.

Well, Helix Season 2 Episode 11 started us down that same exact path (see what I did there?).

Not that this was a terrible episode. It's just that we've hit the point of rushing to the finish lin regardless if things make sense or are too far out there.

Hey, it's Helix so I'm pretty sure the fans are diggin' it no matter how far-fetched.

The opening with the monkey was plain cruel. Good thing it was a really obvious CG monkey, or animal lovers of the show would bail in droves. I mean, I get it, the military was planning to kill everything on the island with that stuff. Still, I could have done without watching that poor monkey die.

An artificial umbilical cord and placenta; seriously? The thought of that was just so wild, I had to look it up. Apparently, scientists in Tokyo experimented with this in the 90s, but it's still mostly theoretical and the stuff of science fiction.

Kyle was given some sap from the Bleeding Tree, so at least he wasn't getting sicker. Alan and Julia were finally reunited, and all they talked about was Ilaria.

Julia: Listen Alan, Ilaria's planning to release a new version of Narvik worldwide.
Alan: When?
Julia: Two days, unless I can give them a viable alternative.
Alan: To genocide?
Julia: The infertility compound in Michael's apple it's the only option they'll consider.
Alan: That's the plan? Slow death of the human race, as opposed to all at once.

I loved when Alan asked Jules what happened to the woman he fell in love with. "She became immortal" was Julia's response. It's true, if you could live forever, human problems would no longer affect you in the same way. She's attempting to save lives, but will always see things differently than Alan. I have to agree with him though, the solution is wiping Ilaria out, not controlling human fertility. Alan and Julia are headed for a major showdown in the finale, that's for sure.

Landry survived that fall, but Balleseros was definitely a goner. I'm so disappointed with how poorly Mark Ghanimé was used this season. Now I understand why he tweeted so little about Helix prior to the new season. Guess you can't win 'em all.

So, Julia was actually trying to help Sarah's baby. She had a point, he stopped growing inside her but perhaps inside a mortal his growth would kick back in. I was excited there was still a chance that Caleb could be that baby! Of course, none of that happened.

Visual contact confirmed the military was out to destroy the island.

Alan: What am I looking at, a rescue?
Winger: Just the opposite. They're going to kill everything.

Well, that's one way to end this series; right? I wondered for a minute if the plan all along was to end Helix this year. Sure, Ilaria could come up with another version of Narvik, but how long before the premise gets stale? Much of this season has been shock for shock's sake. Do you think we're headed for a series finale? Of course there were survivors, this wasn't the finale. We've got two more episodes to go.

Crazy that communications were jammed to avoid a possible rescue. "Dr. Farragut, we're dead," Winger told Alan. However, you could clearly see the wheels in his head turning. Could Alan synthesize a cure in six hours? Still, with communications down, how would they reach the Navy?

Yeah Peter, no shit Kyle's had some pretty bad luck on the island. I've said it before, I never expected Kyle to be around this long. Trying to blame Alan for everything was a low blow, even for Peter. Of course, Kyle is still infected, so his mind was total mush. Peter killing that poor soldier was out of control. Alan seemed to know Peter was responsible for the hanging dead man. Peter's got to go; I'm over him.

Meanwhile, Amy was knocked out and ready for the fetus to be implanted.

Sarah I can't let you kill her. I need you to trust me.


And Amy was finally immortal... "Forever-Amy" was a thing for about a minute; nice eyes! Yeah, not so much.

When Anne met with Landry, I was hoping he'd toss her off that balcony. Alan was getting close to a cure, so naturally Peter led him into a trap. For a sick guy, Kyle was pretty lucid and making sense. Though it was all twisted up in his head. Good thing Soren injected Kyle with red sap. The kid saved the day; who would've imagined that?

As the planes approached with the toxic powder and I saw Amy run outside, all I could think about was Caleb. Was she going to die out there like the monkey? Of course, we soon learned they never implanted the baby. They just dyed her eyes silver; sneaky immortals. "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" was a truly ironic and wicked tune for the death of the island. They certainly do get the music right on this show.

Well, at least the poor monkey's death at the top paid off. We watched plenty of humans go out that same way. Now we know how the island became the wasteland Julia found in the future. How did she survive the toxin, though? It's Helix, so the hoodie did the job.

What did you think of "Plan B"? Can you believe, after all that, "Mother" was dead? Did Amy survive? What's next for our heroes? Your turn guys, go ahead and share your thoughts with me in the comments below.

As always, you can watch Helix online via TV Fanatic if you want to re-watch this installment or any others you might have missed.

NOTE: Helix Season 2 Episode 12 is titled "The Ascendant" and airs on Friday, April 3.

Plan B Review

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Helix Season 2 Episode 11 Quotes

Julia: Listen Alan, Ilaria's planning to release a new version of Narvik worldwide.
Alan: When?
Julia: Two days, unless I can give them a viable alternative.
Alan: To genocide?
Julia: The infertility compound in Michael's apple it's the only option they'll consider.
Alan: That's the plan? Slow death of the human race, as opposed to all at once.

Alan: What am I looking at, a rescue?
Winger: Just the opposite. They're going to kill everything.