19 Most Moving Mental Health Stories on TV

Mental health issues are often misunderstood on TV, but when they get it right, they really get it right. Here's our favorite mental health storylines -- what's yours?

The Resident Preview: Love, Sex, & Death!

It's Valentine's Day on The Resident Season 2 Episode 14. It's a sexy, thrilling, shocking, and bloody good time. Check out the stills and videos inside!

19 of the Best TV Characters to Mend Your Broken Heart

No one gets through life without suffering heartbreak, but these are the TV characters who would drop everything and do anything to make you feel better.

The Resident Preview: All the Squad Goals!

On The Resident Season 2 Episode 13 Mina, Conrad, Kit, and AJ team-up for tricky triple-organ transplant, and Devon finds out about Julian. Check it out!

The Resident Photos from "Fear Finds A Way"

On an all-new The Resident, Nic and Alec may get closer when the hospital is in crisis, and they work together on a case that's important to Nic. Check out the stills!

The Resident Photos from "After the Fall"

On The Resident Midseason Premiere, Nic meets a new mystery man, but what will sparks fly or is it strictly professional? Check out the stills inside!

17 Seemingly Romantic Gestures that Fell Flat

Not all romantic gestures cause fireworks. Some inspire dread, horror, boredom and make us wonder how could anyone think these were expressions of true love?

27 Most Annoying TV Characters of 2018

Not every character hit a high note during 2018. We take a look back on all the TV characters who left us annoyed and frustrated. Did yours make the list?

13 Stuttering Shows That Made A Comeback In 2018

Sometimes the right combination of actors and storylines come together and series that had been struggling find a new wind. That's what happened for these shows in 2018.

21 Breakout Characters of 2018

We are taking a look at the biggest breakout characters from 2018. Who stood out among the rest this year? Check out our list and see if you agree!

17 'Ships That Need to Sail in 2019

There are some relationships that just really need to get a move on. With 2018 coming to a close, we listed 17 'ships that need to sail during the new year!

The Resident: 21 Reasons Season 2 Is the Best So Far!

The Resident is halfway through its second season, and there is no indication that the series is experiencing a sophomore slump, it's only getting better. Find out how!

The Resident Quotes

She's schizophrenic. She needs to accept it. Please, don't fill her head with a bunch of a false hope.

Mrs. Ravenscroft

Bell: I know, I'm as upset as you are.
Devon: Not a chance. I saw it. I lived it. I'll never forget it.
Mina: Same day we save a mother and son, who by all rights should not have survived, a young healthy woman dies.