Relationship Hardships - The Affair
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Noah decides that Sasha is taking everything away from him and that he must find something to take him down. 

Margaret buys sex toys and tells him to plant them in Sasha's bedroom at the halloween party. 

Noah declines at first, but later decides to do it. When he gets there, he decides against it, but gets close to another woman and asks for her bra. 

He then follows that up by putting it under Sasha's pillow -- and gets caught by Helen and Sasha. 


Whitney is struggling to pay bills when it emerges that Colin has not been working because of his undocumented status. 

This makes things awkward when she can't afford to pay the rent. 

Furcat shows up at the gallery she is at, and things take a turn when he invites her to an event. 

She declines, but her boss makes her go with her. 

Furcat has nude photos of Whitney there, and she later has sex with him -- all while his friend watches from the shadows. 

Whitney returns home to be with Colin. 


Joanie decides to make some changes in the house and that means getting rid of everything that belonged to her family. 

She later arrives at Cole's grave. 

The Affair
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The Affair Season 5 Episode 4 Quotes

Stacey: Dad! Happy Halloween.
Noah: Is it Halloween? I forgot.
Stacey: Shocker.

Look at you, Doll Face. You look just like Cinderella.
