Cat and Mouse - Billions
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Chuck Rhoades is the US Attorney, given a tip tying hedge fund manager Bobby Axelrod to a lot of bad mojo in the funding biz.

But Axe is a bit of a blue collar hero, having made it big while never forgetting about the little people. Even those at his firm, most of whom were lost 9/11 in the collapse of the World Trade Center. He now puts their kids through school and cares for the families, just as he expects they would have done for him.

Rhoades doesn't want to go after Axelrod until Axe has tarnished his image a bit.

Axe's wife, Lara, however, will do whatever she can, including open threats, to keep Axe's image as perfect as possible. It's her mission.

Just moments after Rhoades discusses wanting Axe's image tarnished, he learns Axe may be buying a giant house on the water in the Hamptons. 

Chuck's wife, Wendy, works with Axe as the firm's psychiatrist. She talks everyone into remembering why they're hot shit. She's as close to Bobby Axelrod as anyone in the world, including his wife. And her husband wants to bring him down.

Bobby's men follow him to personal events to talk about making trades. That's annoying.

Bobby and Wendy chat about being a billionaire. He compares it to having a great pair of tits. But that's not why she really came in. She's thinking of leaving. Bobby wants her to stay, even if it means she takes patients that would take her away from the office.

Bobby keeps a man in his pocket that he pays with cash to make sure things remain copacetic. He helps him take others down to ensure he stays on top.

Bobby gives the tip he got from his man to the reporter who tossed the question to Rhoades.

Skip commits suicide.

When Bobby sees how Elmo was changed after being snipped, he decides to buy the house.


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Billions Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

My cholesterol's high enough. Don't butter my ass, Danzig. Just get smarter.


Bobby Axelrod is Mike Tyson in his prime, and you do not want Mike Tyson in his prime.
