I'm not chasing you. I'm falling to my death.


How come every other artifact makes me have to call my sponsor?


Pete: Oh my God, you're gay? Finally! Thank God, someone who will appreciate all this. It's a waste of time working out for these people. Here, I'll take my shirt off for ya.
Steve: No, no thanks.

[To Artie] Good God, where did you come from?


We did not "whammy" each other and I will prove it, or will die trying.


Aw look, we're spooning.


Aw, it's like watching Golden Gossip Girls.


Hey, don't blame me. I'm good, but I've never changed a woman's hair color.


Claudia: I'm coming with you.
Artie: Why? No, why?
Claudia: A hospital Artie. There's going to be blood. When you faint someone needs to be there to break your fall.

Claudia: What's that smell?
Artie: I don't smell anything.
Claudia: Exactly, you're primped. You're going to see Dr. Vanessa.

Warehouse 13 Season 3 Episode 3 Quotes

Claudia: I'm coming with you.
Artie: Why? No, why?
Claudia: A hospital Artie. There's going to be blood. When you faint someone needs to be there to break your fall.

Claudia: What's that smell?
Artie: I don't smell anything.
Claudia: Exactly, you're primped. You're going to see Dr. Vanessa.