Cassandra: But quantum computing could change the world!
Eve: The way *Atlantis* was changed?

Fae: I know many things. I know what ends your immortality. You cannot be killed, but you can die. Is this not worth a bargain?
Jenkins: Hm. No.

  • Permalink: Hm. No.
  • Added:

At the end of the day, there's a big difference between image and identity.


Dorian Gray: Grow old and hideous? Like *you*?
Jenkins: [mockingly] Ouch!

  • Permalink: Ouch!
  • Added:

You are the nameless ones. The faceless ones. Just "Guardian."

Dorian Gray

Eve: Are you drunk?!
Cassandra: Is drunk when your body is a marshmallow and your head feels like a bowling ball?

Jake: What've you got against Americans?
Door Guard: You think you're better than everyone else, for one!
Jake: It's kinda a known thing, though, isn't it? I mean, that's just *true*, it's not really an opinion!

The Guardian's job is not to save the Librarians' bodies. It is to save their souls. And you did that admirably today, Colonel.


Driver: Hey, get out of the road, old man!
Jenkins: [scornfully] "Old man"? You have no idea.

Jake: Are we talking *soul* soul here?
Jenkins: Well, if you're asking me what happens after you die, I remind you I'm the least qualified to answer that.

Jenkins: Mr. Stone, the thing to remember about devils is they will never appear in a cape and horns, they will come dressed as everything you ever wished for.
Ezekiel: So, we should look for...
Jenkins: Katy Perry, wearing the Crown Jewels, holding a wad of cash, with an unnatural attraction to young Aussie boys.

So, this is nice, huh? After all these years, we can still talk over coff-- Okay, I'm sorry. Seriously?! Were you just gonna blow by this thing?! Why did Brandi's body just suddenly appear and fall through the ceiling?!

Sam Denning

The Librarians Season 2 Quotes

Eve: Coincidence, or sinister alignment?
Flynn: Let's find out!

Flynn: Eve, trust me. They'll never know we were here. [Scene cuts to Flynn and Eve running from angry villagers.] Aaah! They know we're here!
Eve: They probably noticed when you made the volcano erupt!
Flynn: It was a very small volcano.