Dan: I went through a lot this last year. Improv sort of helped me reorientate myself.
Amenadiel: How?
Dan: Well, it took me stepping outside of myself to figure out who I really was. To stop defining myself by other people.

Maze: You don't care about anyone other than yourself unless they can be of use to you.Sound familiar?
Lucifer: Tread very carefully, Maze.
Maze: You are just like your parents.

Why would an overprotective mother bring her murderous son to a tequila-fueled party? Why?


Let's get this pajama party started.


Charlotte Richards. Have you seen my plus one? She's a tired looking blonde, probably dressed in something freshly plucked from the floor.


Sorry, ladies, but it's hard for me to enjoy a triple-Decker with my mother's hands all over it.

Chloe: I'm going to tie a bell around your neck at some point.
Lucifer: Oh, that sounds like a fun bit of foreplay.

Fancy pants rich kids are vipers and Trixie will slash them with her words. And I will teach her the knives.


I can't deal with human emotions on an empty stomach. It makes me nauseous.


No phones on campus. Sends a message that our arms aren't available to our children.

School guy

Therapists. They really don't know anything, do they?

The detective doesn't need me anymore.

Lucifer Season 2 Quotes

Lucifer: Once upon a time, a boy met a girl. They fell in love. They had sex. The only trouble was they were celestial beings and that moment created the universe.
Dr. Martin: The Big Bang?
Lucifer: Never knew how appropriate the name was until now, did ya?

Amenadiel: Well, maybe she's not in Los Angeles.
Lucifer: She's here. I kept her in prison for thousands of years. She's coming for me. I know it.