If I can get the crotchety, judgmental babysitter from Ireland to trust me, why not you?


Ten months old and you've had your first cigarette. Sorry about that.


The babysitter doesn't trust me because of the lies; Lumen doesn't trust me because of the truth, there must be a name for that. Oh, right, Dexter Morgan.


Masuka: He's got daddy's eyes.
Batista:... and your penis size.

What's your plan here? Nurse her back to health so she can go to the police? If she gives the cops enough to track you down then everything falls apart. Harrison grows up visiting you on death row.


Dexter Season 5 Episode 4 Quotes

Masuka: He's got daddy's eyes.
Batista:... and your penis size.

What's your plan here? Nurse her back to health so she can go to the police? If she gives the cops enough to track you down then everything falls apart. Harrison grows up visiting you on death row.
