Jessie Nevin was Nic Nevin's younger sister. The two were once very close, but Jessie had addiction problems that continually drove a wedge between them.

After an overdose, Jessie finally went to rehab, but when she returned, she was ill, and it was determined that her kidneys were failing.

Conrad pulled strings to get her on a transplant list, but she lost her life due seemingly to a surgical complication and pulmonary embolism. It was ultimately discovered that it was actually due to a drug trial Jessie was participating in that was unsafe.

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The Resident Quotes

Conrad: Everything you thought you knew about medicine is wrong. All the rules you followed will break. I have only one rule, it covers everything. I'm never wrong. You do whatever the hell I tell you, no questions asked.
Devon: Do you want me to speak now?
Conrad: That's a question.

Bell: I'm Chief of Surgery, and it's the end of a 30-hour shift. What did you see?
Doctor: We're all on the same side here. Maybe he had a heart attack.