Swagger Threatens the Bamas - Shooter Season 3 Episode 8

Swagger gets his revenge on Junior after Junior beats up Sam, and lets Bama know that he's aware of how much a threat he poses to them.

A Little Comfort - Shooter

Julie and Bob Lee comfort one another at the hospital after Sam was brutally beaten by Red Bama Junior.

Atlas Takes On the Capitol - Shooter Season 3 Episode 7

Atlas is headed to the Capitol as their new plan is revealed and the Swagger Squad has to figure out how to stop them before it's too late.

Memphis Swagger - Shooter Season 3 Episode 7

Bob Lee is relieved when Nadine returns unharmed. The two friends have a new obstacle to face together.

Meeting With a Dark Lord - Shooter

Bob Lee meets with a "dark lord" inside the Pentagon on Shooter. "Swing Vote" is the seventh episode of the show's third season.

Risky Business - Shooter Season 3 Episode 6

Nadine embarks on a dangerous mission that has her trapped in a building with multiple people trying to kill her.

Nadine Kidnapped! - Shooter Season 3 Episode 6

Nadine is taken from the police station by Atlas and now the team has to work together to save her before it's too late.

Guiterrez - Shooter Season 3 Episode 6

Guiterrez tells Bob Lee the truth about Earl and his history with Atlas, but is Bob Lee ready to hear it?

Through The Wringer - Shooter

Bob Lee is put through the wringer on Shooter. "Lines Crossed" is the sixth episode of the show's third season.

Harris Has the Key - Shooter Season 3 Episode 5

Gregson leaves Harris a little parting gift before she meets her maker at the hands of an old foe. What does that mean for Atlas?

Kitchen Ass-Kicking - Shooter Season 3 Episode 5

Bob Lee kicks some serious baddie ass when a couple of Atlas goons come after him while he and the others are on a mission.

Smells Like BS - Shooter Season 3 Episode 5

Harris does not trust Gregson, and the other members of his team, Nadine, and Isaac agree with him.

Shooter Quotes

Bob Lee: We don't need night vision, we're Marines.
Mary: Semper fi!
Bob Lee: Semper fi.

Hunter: That wolf is ours!
Bob Lee: She might have a different opinion