Joanna on Trial - Burden of Truth Season 4 Episode 8

Joanna's character is on trial at her disciplinary hearing.

Billy Defends Joanna - Burden of Truth Season 4 Episode 8

Billy defends Joanna at her disciplinary hearing.

Making Up - Burden of Truth Season 4 Episode 8

Luna and Stevie figure out their dreams for the future.

Luna Consults the Ancestors - Burden of Truth Season 4 Episode 8

Luna calls on the ancestors to figure out who she really is.

Joanna Learns Her Fate - Burden of Truth

Billy defends Joanna at her disciplinary hearing and her fate is decided.

Luna and Stevie Hard at Word-Burden of Truth Season 4 Episode 7

Luna put so much time into this case, she neglected Stevie.

Billy & Joanna at the Assayer - Burden of Truth Season 4 Episode 7

Billy and Joanna try to get answers from the assayer.

Elise Hesitates-Burden of Truth Season 4 Episode 7

Elise hesitates before re-signing an opinion letter.

Adoption Papers-Burden of Truth Season 4 Episode 7

Owen and Diane file adoption papers for custody of Kip.

Owen Confronts Terry - Burden of Truth Season 4 Episode 7

Owen confronts Terry when he issued a complaint against Owen.

Help Me-Burden of Truth Season 4 Episode 7

Taylor rescues a trapped girl who's one of Wes's victims.

Taylor Arrests Wes - Burden of Truth Season 4 Episode 7

Taylor catches Wes with a knife and arrests him.

Burden of Truth Quotes

Juries like blue. Brings out your eyes


Joanna: We want the jury to think this could happen to them.
Billy: Play on their fear.
Joanna: But not too hard or we'll lose them. Stay likable.
Billy: I am likable.
Joanna: Jury's still out, Crawford.
Billy: I'm more likable than you.
Joanna: Well, that is a very low bar.