Jordin Sparks, Melinda Doolittle Speak on Malaria No More

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Providing a Sparks
We'll learn tonight about the efforts of Jordin Sparks and Melinda Doolittle to help children in Africa, but the pair of season six finalists spoke to Us Weekly about their experiences, as well.

They first learned of the Malaria No More initiative on last year's Idol Gives Back and were moved to act as soon as their schedule would allow. Doolittle partnered with the organization in 2007, traveling to Zambia in June; Sparks followed suit in February 2008 visiting Ghana.

Both women traveled with First Lady Laura Bush.

“One day my Mom called me up and said ‘Laura Bush is wondering if you would like to go with her [to Ghana].’ And I was like ‘What?!’ You don’t get a message like that every day,” Sparks said.

Doolitttle concurs.

“[Traveling was] the perfect opportunity for me. We were in rehearsals for the tour and I missed a few, but it was more than worth it.

“It just blew my mind the things that we take for granted, like clean water or the fact that we can put on bug repellent and not be worried about mosquitoes around us. However, even though the community [in Zambia] is stricken by something like Malaria, they have a hope like no other. Just $10 [for a bed net] can save a family. You’d spend that if you went to Starbucks twice!”

Hear that, readers? Get ready to donate tonight!

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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