The Resident Season 2 Episode 20 Preview: A Powerful, Haunting Hour You Cannot Miss!

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5. Mina and AJ Remain the Strongest Dynamic On the Series

When you think about the journey of Mina and the Raptor, it's not a stretch to say they've had one of the best evolutions of a relationship on any series in a long time. They went from tolerating one another to becoming extensions of one another. The hour has them working together like the Wonder Twins that they are, but it also has them politely disagreeing with one another too. What's remarkable is that their relationship is one of equality, and AJ respects Mina's opinions, and she has agency despite the power dynamic.

6. Bell Evolution Strikes Again

Without a question, Bell has had the best character evolution of the season, and it's sometimes hard to believe he went from this guy whom we often loathed to this man capable of change and evolution. He runs the hospital and his position had people raising their brows, but for the most part, Bell is a great leader. Bell has some shining moments as well, and what's notable is his ability to listen, learn, and implement change. He may also bring you to tears during this installment on multiple fronts. I know!

7. The Mevon Connection

It happened quietly and easily and effortlessly, but Devon does have a best friend, and her name is Mina Okafor. The way this relationship has blossomed and evolved this season is one of the sweetest things about it, but when they work their case something bigger binds them together, and it shows how much they get each other. Long live, Mevon.

8. Incredible Performances By the Guest-Stars

There are a handful of guest-stars during this bottle episode, and every last one of them will blow you away. Kamal Bolden (pictured above) is a particular standout. Of course, John Billingsley is fantastic as well. The series always lands amazing guest-stars who can move you within a single episode (or sometimes beyond), and this is evidence of it.

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The Resident Season 2 Episode 20 Quotes

Nic: I learned to take care of myself.
Conrad: I think holding up the world is your cross.

Conrad: Looks like we're finally doing this.
Nic: Looks like it. You first.
Conrad: Oh, okay. Have you ever woke up in the middle of the night and realized something you never understood before?
Nic: Uh, I guess. I mean not often, but yeah.
Conrad: I'm built to keep moving forward. If there is a mountain, I'll climb it. If there is a race, I'll run it. But what I don't do is stay in the same place...
Nic: That's what you think we're doing.
Conrad: I think, Nic, I think I want something you don't want. Movement towards our future. I'd marry you, Nic, but I don't ask because you don't even want to live together.
Nic: Why are you putting all this pressure on me now?
Conrad: Why is making more of a commitment to me a burden?