15 Hot as Hell Devils and Demons

Who are the hottest devils and demons on television? Scroll around and find out now!

Supernatural vs. Lucifer: A Satanic Showdown!

Supernatural and Lucifer have very different versions of the devil. One is suave and charming. The other pure evil. Which one has your vote?

Lucifer Season 2: 15 Best Moments So Far

Lucifer Season 2 has wowed us with many great moments from girls night out to that special kiss. Which are our favorites? Check out our list!

Lucifer: 13 Times Trixie Stole Our Hearts With Her Cuteness

There are lots of things to love on Lucifer, but one of our favorites is Chloe's daughter Trixie. Check out the times her cuteness has stolen our hearts!

Lucifer: 11 Ways Maze Has Proven She's the Coolest Demon Ever

There are lots of demons in the television world, but Lucifer has the best in the business. What makes Mazikeen so great? Check out our list!

19 TV Bad Girls Dressed To Kill

Whether they're dressed in black or like the girl next door, bad girls have a killer sense of style. Did your favorite make our list? Check now!

13 Characters We'd Never Ask to Be Our Valentines

Not every character is going to make it to the Valentine's Day dance, and these 13 top the list. Whether they're naughty or nice, something doesn't sit right!

Quotables for Week Ending February 3, 2017

When you're sitting awake trying to determine what to watch on TV, browse these quotes to give you inspiration on what to dig into next. Check 'em out!

Quotables for Week Ending January 27, 2017

During a very crowded week, we were treated to some awesome quotes thanks to the returns of TGIT and The CW superhero lineup. Take a look now!

Lucifer Photos from "A Good Day to Die"

On Lucifer Season 2 Episode 13, Chloe is in a bad spot as poison courses through her veins. Is Lucifer her only hope? Check out the photos!

Quotables for Week Ending January 20, 2017

It's not the end of the world as we know it, as we still have some of the most quotable moments of the week, right here for you to read. Enjoy.

Lucifer Photos from "Stewardess Interruptus"

Lucifer and Chloe have a "moment" on Lucifer Season 2 Episode 11, "Stewardess Interruptus", but will Charlotte get in the way? Check out the photos!

Lucifer Quotes

Cop: Are you trying to bribe me, sir?
Lucifer: Yes, of course.

Amenadiel: You are a mockery of everything divine.
Lucifer: Thank you. Thank you, but lately I've been thinking. Do you think I'm the Devil because I'm inherently evil, or just because dear ol' dad decided I was?