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The Young and the Restless
Episode Recap
August 29, 2008

On Friday's The Young and the Restless ...

Lauren calls River but is told he's no longer at the ashram. Jana consults the Ouija board but Kevin grabs it and sets it on fire. As they get ready for Jill's party, Chloe admits to Cane that she's not feeling well.

When she refuses to go to the ER, Cane decides to get her to the doctor but then finds evidence that she's faking and forces her to the party. Kay and Esther both wonder if they can welcome Chloe into the family.

Esther is shocked when she sees Chloe for the first time and calls her "Kate." Ashley assigns Jack to attend the reading of Victor's will today in case Abby is mentioned.

Sharon offers to go in his place and warns him not to antagonize Nick. He asks if she's taking Nick's side but Sharon insists she doesn't want any trouble.

Phyllis and Nick arrive at the ranch first and Heather tells him that she is not acting as Adam's attorney today. Nick guesses to Phyllis that they will have to look for a new place to live.

When Victoria arrives, the brother and sister complain about Heather being there. Jack arrives with Sharon and quickly picks a fight with a willing Nick until Sharon stops them.

Reading the will, Michael announces that Nick gets the magazine building; Victoria is given the private art collection and the Newman Foundation; Ashley receives his rare book collection while the grand kids get one-fourth of the estate.

Michael reveals that Adam gets the rest of the estate and Newman Enterprises. Jack offers his assistance to Adam if he needs it which Adam appreciates.

After Michael hands sealed, handwritten letters to each child, Adam tells Nick and Victoria to take anything from the house of sentimental value.

On the beach in Mexico crying out for Victor, Nikki is stunned to see him.

Until next week on The Young and the Restless

The Young and the Restless
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