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Flashback or dream Jessica has of young Ainsley hiding in a grandfather clock from Malcolm when Martin and Jessica thought she ran away or was taken.

Dani is in vice and JT is talking to his union rep. Ainsley wants to break news on the murder scene. 

Vics are beautiful women dressed as brides. 

Ainsley calls Malcolm out on stonewalling her. Ainsley figures out thr vics are debutantes and nostabbed.

Jessica visits Martin to talk about the kids and Ainsley killing Endicott. She is  afraid Ainsley is like him. She says she's taking her away. Martin tells her that murder can't be rehabbed. 

Their vic has a doll eye placed in her eye so she's perfect.

If JT goes through with things, then he and O'Malley the cop get suspended.

Martin tells Malcolm about Jessica's plans for Ainsley. And talks about how tough she is because of being Jessica's daughter.

Ainsley beats Malcolm to the etiquette school. He wonders if she's enjoying the murder investigation too much.

Malcolm schmooze his way in Ms. Windsor's good graces. He gets a lead that Trevor the doll maker is their lead.

Ainsley finds her former debutante friend murdered. She films a promo at the crime scene 

Edrisa helps Malcolm crack the case while still on her caffeine high. He realizes it's Ms. Windsor and that Ainsley is the next victim.

JT and Gil are at mediation with O'Malley the racist cop. JT decides to not file charges, but not without saying his piece.

Ainsley shows up at Windsor's house and she offers her tea. Malcolm rushes there to track her down and save her, and Windsor is rude to him which is out of character.

Ainsley questions Windsor's assistant.

The assistant shows Ainsley's around and Ainsley collapses on the bed after the spiked tea gets to her.

Malcolm tries to talk Rachel, Windsor's assistant down. Windsor hid her away because she was her daughter. 

Malcolm tries to talk Ainsley's down too when she has a knife and is about to attack Rachel. Rachel notices and pistol whips Ainsley. 

Windsor plans to blow up the house with them in it to cover up her daughter's existence. 

Malcolm and Ainsley get Rachel out of there before the house blows up. Malcolm asks how Ainsley faked being drugged and she mentioned her nail polish detected the spiked drink.

She gloats about solving the case first. 


Prodigal Son
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Prodigal Son Season 2 Episode 5 Quotes

Jessica: You are a cancer, Martin. And the closer they get to you, the more they become you. 
Martin: You know that's not how cancer works, right? 

Martin: Ah, here she comes. My beautiful bride. 
Jessica: Mr. David, may we have the room. Oh, please, I promise. No stabbies.