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On Madam Secretary Season 2 Episode 7, Elizabeth is determined to get the embargo lifted on Cuba. When she brings up lifting the embargo to President Dalton and Russell, they're both on board with the historic change in policy, but Craig sees it as political suicide. President Dalton tells Elizabeth and Russell to go ahead with the plans and Elizabeth is able to secure all the votes she needs, but only after promising various things to different Senators. Unfortunately, before Elizabeth and Russell are able to celebrate, one of the Senators who had agreed to vote for lifting the embargo decided to vote against it because of a woman named Afeni Rahim who is wanted in Chicago for the murder of a police officer from years ago. 

Elizabeth is still determined to get the embargo lifted and asked the Cuban government to hand over Afeni, but they see Afeni as a hero and don't want to turn her over. Thankfully, Elizabeth is able to have a talk with Afeni, and after finding paperwork proving Afeni's innocence, convinces her to turn herself into the FBI so the embargo could be lifted. 

In the end, after the embargo is lifted, Russell does some digging into how Afeni's case was brought to the lift after so many years and finds out Craig was behind it. Russell and Elizabeth agree they need to take out Craig because he's going against the administration.

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Madam Secretary
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