Hell on Wheels News

Hell on Wheels Review: Bloodsport

Hell on Wheels Review: Bloodsport

Cullen Bohannon and Elam Ferguson must compete in a game on Hell on Wheels. Also, Declan Toole confronts Eva about the baby, and Durant returns.
Posted in: Reviews
Hell on Wheels Review: Shoot 'Em Up

Hell on Wheels Review: Shoot 'Em Up

Cullen Bohannon's past comes back to haunt him in the action packed Hell on Wheels episode. Will everyone make it out alive? Read our review to find out.
Posted in: Reviews

Hell on Wheels Quotes

Daniel: You released your slaves and still fought in the war. Why?
Cullen: Honor.

Sean: Do you not believe in a higher power?
Cullen: Yes, sir. I wear it on my hip.