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Harley and Cyrus are working on a case, their tension thick. Cyrus and Harley are on the job when they run into Gus, Natalia and her wedding dress. Harley almost has a panic attack again. Trying to rid herself of them, she insists Cyrus lock her in the elevator.

Episode Recap, Part I

Harley begins to flip out when she sees a snake, but Cyrus thinks she’s just imagining it. When a boy comes by looking for his lost snake, Cyrus realizes Harley wasn’t imagining a thing. He opens the door, takes her in his arms and she asks him to never let go. Gus holds a crying Olivia in his arms, and Natalia spies the intimate moment. Surprisingly, Olivia doesn’t mind Ava sleeping with Bill.

Episode Recap, Part II

Ava encourages Olivia to call Gus, and she arranges him to have her meet up with her and the wedding planner. Dinah reluctantly enters rehab and calls Bill to remind him what a big favor she’s doing. Bill shows up with flowers and fires a shocked Lizzie. Dinah learns that Billy is planning on putting Dylan in charge and running things with Lizzie. Just as Dylan and Lizzie show up to visit, Dinah calls Bill to let him know the news.


Bill shows up again with flowers, telling Lizzie he only fired her because he was scared of his feelings. Despite herself, Dinah is moved by the rehab program. Lizzie kicks Bill out but is clearly smitten.

Guiding Light
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