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  • Mer's numbers are getting better. 
  • Bailey's father is overwhelmed with dealing with his wife with dementia. 
  • Tom is brought to the hospital with signs of a stroke and is talking to his dead son. 
  • Owen treats Teddy who seems affected seeing Tom like that. 
  • Jo and Levi's patient needs a surgery as  her condition worsens. they have to perform surgery.
  • They get word that the nursing home that Bailey's parents are at have a bad case of COVID and Bailey tells Ben to go get her parents. 
  • Ben picks up her mother, and she's sick.
  • Amelia goes into the hospital after seeing Tom's scans. 
  • Bailey's mother is having multiorgan failure because of COVID. 
  • Bailey visits Mer in the dreamscape and talks to her about her mom. She never told Mer that her mother had Alzheimer's because she didn't want to bring up bad memories for her. 
  • Jo delivers a baby.
  • Amelia and Teddy talk about Tom. Teddy is still struggling with how she's treated after everything that happened. Amelia doesn't judge really. 
  • Bailey lets her mother face time with her father. Her father is worked up about what's happening. 
  • Bailey tells her mother that if she wants to go, she can. 
  • Bailey talks to Maggie because she doesn't know if her mother was lucid when she told her she didn't want to go. And she doesn't know what's real and isn't. 
  • She and Maggie talk about their moms and being black women and theier experiences being underestimated. 
  • Richad and Jackson talk about how all of their patients dying and getting sick are black and brown and systemic racism. 
  • Teddy talks to Tom. He responds and is back to himself.
  • Jo decides she wants to change her specialty to obstetrics.
  • Bailey goes in to talk to her mother and sings to her until she passes away with Richard's support.
Grey's Anatomy
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Grey's Anatomy Season 17 Episode 5 Quotes

How, how do I tell my dad that the love of his life won't make it through the night?


Teddy: Do we know if he's OK?
Owen: Not sure, this is him.
Helm: I just saw him two days ago and he was fine.