On God Friended Me Season 1 Episode 8, two of Miles' friend suggestions from the God account are connected to each other. Will he be successful in helping them?


On God Friended Me Season 1 Episode 8, Miles helps two friend suggestions who have a surprising history together, Cara gives Eli another chance and Arthur picks up the sax for a performance once again.

Episode Details

On God Friended Me Season 1 Episode 8, Miles isn't sure who he is supposed to help when the "God" account sends them a profile of a lawyer who died.

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God Friended Me
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God Friended Me Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

When you grow up thinking a parent didn't love you, it kind of becomes a part of who you are. I used the pain just like Alfie did to motivate myself, prove myself.


Miles: They send me a friend suggestion when I'm talking about them, they're probably listening to us right now.
Nia: Yeah, it's 2018. Our phones are listening to all of us.