Henry: If the man who won the field at Bosworth could betray me, then...
Lizzie: The rest are loyal.
Henry: Are they? Are you?

You are the second son. While your brother will be king, you may be pope. And answer only to the Lord, your God.

Lady Margaret [to Prince Henry]

Lizzie: My lords! My lords! Do you know me?
Soldier #1: Of course, My Grace. You are the Queen of England.
Lizzie: Then listen to your Queen when I command you. England is invaded by a pretender and the Scots! Since when have Englishmen feared Gaels and Celts and run from warfare with their tails between their legs?
Soldier #2: They say he is the true king, Richard of York!
Lizzie: If he were Richard, he would be my brother and I would tell you so myself! But he is here to kill your kin and rob England of what was never his! If you fear God, then you will honor your true king, Henry Tudor! And if you will not do it for your King, then do it for me! The daughter of Edward IV and Queen Elizabeth Woodville, who has just passed from this life into God's hands.

The White Princess Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

Henry: If the man who won the field at Bosworth could betray me, then...
Lizzie: The rest are loyal.
Henry: Are they? Are you?

You are the second son. While your brother will be king, you may be pope. And answer only to the Lord, your God.

Lady Margaret [to Prince Henry]