Well, Matt lives to hate vampires another day, Stefan's on Caroline duty, and I just introduced Mom to Uber. I'm taking bets on which one goes South first.


Do you know how many times I've died, or nearly died? Most of those times were at the hands of people I thought were my friends. I'm sorry, not people. Vampires.


Damon: You get a night, Stefan. A night to beat yourself up, do your shame spiral, and then you have to go after Caroline.
Stefan: I don't need a night. I'll find her.

[to Tyler] If Matt dies, are you going to start peeing on fire hydrants again?


Damon: Eh, a hundred and fifty years is a long time to care.
Elena: Says the guy who pined for Katherine Pierce for a century and a half.

Lily: I took your advice and I've been dabbling on Stefan's computer. What a wondrous invention -- all that knowledge.
Damon: And videos of cats riding robot vacuum cleaners.

The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 18 Quotes

Damon: Eh, a hundred and fifty years is a long time to care.
Elena: Says the guy who pined for Katherine Pierce for a century and a half.

Lily: I took your advice and I've been dabbling on Stefan's computer. What a wondrous invention -- all that knowledge.
Damon: And videos of cats riding robot vacuum cleaners.