Bart: Looks like Mr. Vanilla just grew some chocolate chips.
Seymour: Save your analogies for the analogy portion of the exam.

All my extra credit points are like frequentflier miles on a bankrupt airline.


Chalmers: I hate waiting. That's why I hate risotto.
Skinner: Even mushroom risotto?
Chalmers: What do you think?!?

Never convicted. They couldn't find the body. Anyone care for some chicken-pete-pie?

Lunchlady (on being accused of murdering her husband)

When I found out shrimp cocktails had no alcohol, I really lost interest.


The Simpsons Season 24 Episode 10 Quotes

Never convicted. They couldn't find the body. Anyone care for some chicken-pete-pie?

Lunchlady (on being accused of murdering her husband)

When I found out shrimp cocktails had no alcohol, I really lost interest.
