I wish she was in a graveyard, under the ground, with worms coming out of her mouth.


I don't wanna put you out, but if someone's making oatmeal I'll take an apple-cinnamon and a maple-brown sugar in one bowl, with whole milk.


I'm gonna go do another reverse spit. That's how the cool kids say, get a drink.


Porcupines don't have souls. They're like dogs.


I meant dressed up compared to normal. You usually dress like a ghostbuster.


You had me at clookies. I can't wait to find out what they are.


I thought it was because they're all so rich, they could eat popsicles all the time.


I am always acting in self-defense...occasionally preemptive self-defense.


Robert: It's been ten days since I've had sexual intercourse.
Andy: Well you came to the right place.

Gam Gam's name is Ruth. Jim you should know. I introduced you that one time, on speaker phone.


The Office Season 8 Episode 10 Quotes

Robert: It's been ten days since I've had sexual intercourse.
Andy: Well you came to the right place.

Gam Gam's name is Ruth. Jim you should know. I introduced you that one time, on speaker phone.
